# (我的安装路径是opt/gamit_globk,所以这里应该是set gamitpath = /opt/gamit_globk)
set path = (. /bin /sbin /ect /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/ucb /usr/bin/X11 /usr/X11R6/bin $path)
set path = (. /usr/local/gmt/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/lib /usr/lib $path)
#set path = (. /usr/local/gmt/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib /usr/ucb/ nfs r0 soft0 0 $path)
set path = (. $gamitpath/gamit/bin $gamitpath/kf/bin $gamitpath/com $path)
setenv HELP_DIR $gamitpath/help/
setenv PATH "/usr/sbin:/sbin:${PATH}"
setenv MANPATH /usr/local/gmt/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/X11R6/man
setenv LIBPATH /usr/local/gmt/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/i386-glibc21-linux/lib
#set gcclib direction
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/gcc-3.4.1/lib/
# set alias
alias cd 'cd \!*; set prompt = "[`echo $cwd`]% "'
alias pwd 'echo $cwd'
alias ls 'ls --classify'
alias ll 'ls -l'
alias la 'ls -a'
alias rm 'rm -i'
alias mv 'mv -i'
DOY: Converts various date formats
DOY: Converts various date formats.
% doy <jd/year> <doy/month> <day> <hr> <min>
% doy <gps_week>W <gps_sow/gps_dow>
% doy <DecYear>Y
where jd is Julian date (assumed if only one argument)
year is calender year
doy is day of year (assumed if two arguments)
month is month
day is day of month.
hr min is hrs and minutes of day (Only if ymd form used).
In the second form (i.e. W appended to the first value),
the entries are assumed to gps week no and the second entry
(optional) is either gps day of week (0-6) or seconds of
gps week.
NOTE: GPS Day of Week runs from 0-6 (Changed May 20, 1997).
In the third form with Y appended, the argument is taken as
deciminal year. (Versions after 2004/12/21 correctly account
for leap years in converting deciminal years back to Julian dates)
The conversions made are based on the number of arguments
NDOY: Version of doy of year which takes keyboard input in the
forms above. (^D ends program input).
Example: doy 92 200
Date 1992/07/18 0:00 hrs, DOY 200 JD 2448821.5000 MJD 48821.0000
GPS Week 653 Day of week 6, GPS Seconds 518400 Day of Week Sat
Decimal Year 1992.54372
Example: doy 654W 345600
Date 1992/07/23 0:00 hrs, DOY 205 JD 2448826.5000 MJD 48826.0000
GPS Week 654 Day of week 4, GPS Seconds 345600 Day of Week Thu
Decimal Year 1992.55738
***TODAY*** IS:
Date 2008/10/30 15:19 hrs, DOY 304 JD 2454770.1387 MJD 54769.6387
GPS Week 1503 Day of week 4, GPS Seconds 400786 Day of Week Thu
Decimal Year 2008.829614