Call PrintCollection("SESSION STATIC OBJECTS", Session.StaticObjects(),divSet(9),"")
Call PrintCollection("APPLICATION STATIC OBJECTS", Application.StaticObjects(),divSet(10),"")
Response.Write "</Table>"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set dbg_Data = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
CLASS debuggingConsole
Version: 1.2
Public Properties
Property Let Enabled(bNewValue) [bool] Sets "enabled" to true or false
Property Get Enabled [bool] Gets the "enabled" value
Property Let Show(bNewValue) [string] Sets the debugging panel. Where each digit in the string represents a debug information pane in order (11 of them). 1=open, 0=closed
Property Get Show [string] Gets the debugging panel.
Property Let AllVars(bNewValue) [bool] Sets wheather all variables will be displayed or not. true/false
Property Get AllVars [bool] Gets if all variables will be displayed.
Public Methods
public sub Print (label, output)
Adds a variable to the debug-informations.
public sub GrabDatabaseInfo (byval oSQLDB)
Adds the Database-connection object to the debug-instance. To display Database-information
public sub draw ()
Draws the Debug-panel
Methods Detail
public sub Print (label, output)
Parameters: - label [string]: Description of the variable
- output [variable]: The variable itself
public sub GrabDatabaseInfo (byval oSQLDB)
Parameters: - oSQLDB [object]: connection-object