YII Framework学习之request与response用法(基于CHttpReq(5)

注意我们在动作方法 actionCreate 中添加了两个参数。 这些参数的名字必须和我们想要从 $_GET 中提取的名字一致。 当用户没有在请求中指定 $language 参数时,这个参数会使用默认值 en 。 由于 $category 没有默认值,如果用户没有在 $_GET 中提供 category 参数, 将会自动抛出一个 CHttpException (错误代码 400) 异常。 Starting from version 1.1.5, Yii also supports array type detection for action parameters. This is done by PHP type hinting using the syntax like the following:

class PostController extends CController { public function actionCreate(array $categories) { // Yii will make sure $categories be an array } }

That is, we add the keyword array in front of $categories in the method parameter declaration. By doing so, if $_GET['categories'] is a simple string, it will be converted into an array consisting of that string.

Note: If a parameter is declared without the array type hint, it means the parameter must be a scalar (i.e., not an array). In this case, passing in an array parameter via $_GET would cause an HTTP exception.



