REPORT Schedules a statistical report.
定义自动定时报告。REPORT AT 01:59
STATOPTIONS Specifies information to include in statistical displays.
REPORTCOUNT Reports the number of records processed.报告已经处理的纪录条数统计数字。
TRACE/TRACE2 Shows Extract processing information to assist in revealing processing bottlenecks.
WARNLONGTRANS Defines a long-running transaction and controls the frequency of checking for and reporting them
示例:warnlongtrans 12h, checkintervals 30m
WARNLONGTRANS 2h, CHECKINTERVAL 3m --每隔3分钟检查一下大事务,超过2小时还没结束的进行报告
(9)错误处理Error handling
DDLERROR Controls error handling for DDL extraction.
DISCARDFILE Contains records that could not be processed.
示例1:discardfile /oradata/goldengate/repkj.dsc,append,megabytes 100m
示例2:DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/extya.dsc, APPEND, MEGABYTES 1024
--将执行失败的记录保存在discard file中,该文件位于./dirrpt/extya.dsc,大小为1024MB。 文件中已经包含记录的话,再后面继续追加,不删除之前的记录
ALLOCFILES Controls the number of incremental memory structures allocated when the value of NUMFILES is reached.
BR Controls the Bounded Recovery feature of Extract.
CACHEMGR Controls the virtual memory cache manager.
示例:CACHEMGR CACHESIZE 8000MB, CACHEDIRECTORY /goldengate/temp, CACHEDIRECTORY /goldengate/temp2
在/goldengate/temp,/goldengate/temp2 目录设置虚拟内存
CHECKPOINTSECS Controls how often Extract writes a checkpoint.
DBOPTIONS Specifies database options.指定对于某种特定数据库所需要的特殊参数
DDLOPTIONS Specifies DDL processing options.
NODYNAMICRESOLUTION Suppresses the metadata lookup for a table until Extract encounters transactional data for it. Makes Extract start faster when there are numerous tables specified for synchronization.
示例:DYNAMICRESOLUTION --有时候开启OGG进程的时候较慢,可能是因为需要同步的表太多,OGG在开启进程之前会将需要同步的表建立一个记录并且存入到磁盘中,这样就需要耗费大量的时间。使用该参数来解决此问题。
EOFDELAY | EOFDELAYCSECS Determines how long Extract delays before searching for more data to process.
FLUSHSECS | FLUSHCSECS Determines the amount of time that record data remains buffered before being written to the trail.
FUNCTIONSTACKSIZE Controls the size of the memory stack that is used for processing Oracle GoldenGate functions.
GROUPTRANSOPS Controls the number of records that are sent to the trail in one batch.
LOBMEMORY Controls the amount of memory and temporary disk space available for caching transactions that contain LOB s.
MAXFETCHSTATEMENTS Controls the maximum number of prepared queries that Extract can use to fetch data from the database.