Oracle 11gR2 静默安装RAC 集群和数据库软件(2)

2. 安装检查通过之后,


 ## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998,2011. All rights reserved.          ##
 ##                                                                          ##
 ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize                ##
 ## your installation.                                                        ##
 ##                                                                          ##
 ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment                  ##
 ## can help to populate the variables with the appropriate                  ##
 ## values.                    ##
 ##                                                                          ##
 ## IMPORTANT NOTE: This file contains plain text passwords and              ##
 ## should be secured to have read permission only by oracle user            ##
 ## or db administrator who owns this installation.                          ##
 ##                                                                          ##

 ##                                                                          ##
 ## Instructions to fill this response file                                  ##
 ## To install and configure 'Grid Infrastructure for Cluster'                ##
 ##  - Fill out sections A,B,C,D,E,F and G                                    ##
 ##  - Fill out section G if OCR and voting disk should be placed on ASM      ##
 ##                                                                          ##
 ## To install and configure 'Grid Infrastructure for Standalone server'      ##
 ##  - Fill out sections A,B and G                                            ##
 ##                                                                          ##
 ## To install software for 'Grid Infrastructure'                            ##
 ##  - Fill out sections A,B and C                                            ##
 ##                                                                          ##
 ## To upgrade clusterware and/or Automatic storage management of earlier    ##
 ## releases                                                                  ##
 ##  - Fill out sections A,B,C,D and H                                        ##
 ##                                                                          ##

 # Do not change the following system generated value.

 #                                                                            #
 #                          SECTION A - BASIC                                  #
 #                                                                            #

 # Specify the hostname of the system as set during the install. It can be used
 # to force the installation to use an alternative hostname rather than using the
 # first hostname found on the system. (e.g., for systems with multiple hostnames
 # and network interfaces)

 # Specify the location which holds the inventory files.
 # This is an optional parameter if installing on 
 # Windows based Operating System.

 # Specify the languages in which the components will be installed.           
 # en  : English                  ja  : Japanese                 
 # fr  : French                  ko  : Korean                   
 # ar  : Arabic                  es  : Latin American Spanish   
 # bn  : Bengali                  lv  : Latvian                 
 # pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese    lt  : Lithuanian               
 # bg  : Bulgarian                ms  : Malay                   
 # fr_CA: Canadian French          es_MX: Mexican Spanish         
 # ca  : Catalan                  no  : Norwegian               
 # hr  : Croatian                pl  : Polish                   
 # cs  : Czech                    pt  : Portuguese               
 # da  : Danish                  ro  : Romanian                 
 # nl  : Dutch                    ru  : Russian                 
 # ar_EG: Egyptian                zh_CN: Simplified Chinese       
 # en_GB: English (Great Britain)  sk  : Slovak                   
 # et  : Estonian                sl  : Slovenian               
 # fi  : Finnish                  es_ES: Spanish                 
 # de  : German                  sv  : Swedish                 
 # el  : Greek                    th  : Thai                     
 # iw  : Hebrew                  zh_TW: Traditional Chinese     
 # hu  : Hungarian                tr  : Turkish                 
 # is  : Icelandic                uk  : Ukrainian               
 # in  : Indonesian              vi  : Vietnamese               
 # it  : Italian                                                 
 # all_langs  : All languages
 # Specify value as the following to select any of the languages.
 # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,fr,ja
 # Specify value as the following to select all the languages.
 # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=all_langs 

 # Specify the installation option.
 #  CRS_CONFIG - To configure Grid Infrastructure for cluster
 #  HA_CONFIG  - To configure Grid Infrastructure for stand alone server
 #  UPGRADE    - To upgrade clusterware software of earlier release
 #  CRS_SWONLY - To install clusterware files only (can be configured for cluster
 #                or stand alone server later)

 # Specify the complete path of the Oracle Base.


 # Specify the complete path of the Oracle Home.

 #                                                                              #
 #                              SECTION B - GROUPS                              #
 #                                                                              #
 #  The following three groups need to be assigned for all GI installations.  #
 #  OSDBA and OSOPER can be the same or different.  OSASM must be different    #
 #  than the other two.                                                        #
 #  The value to be specified for OSDBA, OSOPER and OSASM group is only for    #
 #  Unix based Operating System.                                              #
 #                                                                              #
 # The DBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSDBA privileges.

 # The OPER_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSOPER privileges.
 # The value to be specified for OSOPER group is optional.

 # The OSASM_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSASM privileges. This
 # must be different than the previous two.

 #                                                                              #
 #                          SECTION C - SCAN                                  #
 #                                                                              #
 # Specify a name for SCAN

 # Specify a unused port number for SCAN service

 #                                                                              #
 #                          SECTION D - CLUSTER & GNS                      #
 #                                                                              #
 # Specify a name for the Cluster you are creating.
 # The maximum length allowed for clustername is 15 characters. The name can be
 # any combination of lower and uppercase alphabets (A - Z), (0 - 9), hyphen(-)
 # and underscore(_).

 # Specify 'true' if you would like to configure Grid Naming Service(GNS), else
 # specify 'false'

 # Applicable only if you choose to configure GNS
 # Specify the GNS subdomain and an unused virtual hostname for GNS service
 # Additionally you may also specify if VIPs have to be autoconfigured
 # Value for should be true
 # if GNS is being configured(, false
 # otherwise.

 # Specify a list of public node names, and virtual hostnames that have to be
 # part of the cluster.
 # The list should a comma-separated list of nodes.  Each entry in the list
 # should be a colon-separated string that contains 2 fields.
 # The fields should be ordered as follows:
 # 1. The first field is for public node name.
 # 2. The second field is for virtual host name
 #    (specify as AUTO if you have chosen 'auto configure for VIP'
 #    i.e. autoConfigureClusterNodeVIP=true)
 # Example:,node2:node2-vip

 # The value should be a comma separated strings where each string is as shown below
 # InterfaceName:SubnetMask:InterfaceType
 # where InterfaceType can be either "1", "2", or "3"
 # (1 indicates public, 2 indicates private, and 3 indicates the interface is not used)
 # For example: eth0:,eth1:,eth2:

 #                                                                              #
 #                              SECTION E - STORAGE                            #
 #                                                                              #

 # Specify the type of storage to use for Oracle Cluster Registry(OCR) and Voting
 # Disks files

 # Specify a comma separated list of strings where each string is as shown below:
 # Disk Number:Partition Number:Drive Letter:Format Option
 # The Disk Number and Partition Number should refer to the location which has to
 # be formatted. The Drive Letter should refer to the drive letter that has to be
 # assigned. "Format Option" can be either of the following -
 # 1. SOFTWARE - Format to place software binaries.
 # 2. DATA - Format to place the OCR/VDSK files.
 # For example: 1:2:P:DATA,1:3:Q:SOFTWARE,1:4:R:DATA,1:5:S:DATA

 # These properties are applicable only if FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE is chosen for
 # storing OCR and voting disk
 # Specify the location(s) and redundancy for OCR and voting disks
 # Multiple locations can be specified, separated by commas.
 # In case of windows, mention the drive location that is specified to be
 # formatted for DATA in the above property.
 # Redundancy can be one of these:
 #    EXTERNAL - one(1) location should be specified for OCR and voting disk
 #    NORMAL - three(3) locations should be specified for OCR and voting disk
 # Example:
 #    For Unix based Operating System:
 #    For Windows based Operating System:
 #                                                                              #
 #                              SECTION F - IPMI                              #
 #                                                                              #

 # Specify 'true' if you would like to configure Intelligent Power Management interface
 # (IPMI), else specify 'false'

 # Applicable only if you choose to configure IPMI
 # i.e.
 # Specify the username and password for using IPMI service

 #                                                                              #
 #                                SECTION G - ASM                              #
 #                                                                              #
 # Specify a password for SYSASM user of the ASM instance

 # The ASM DiskGroup
 # Example:

 # Redundancy level to be used by ASM.
 # It can be one of the following 
 # - HIGH
 # Example: oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.redundancy=NORMAL

 # Allocation unit size to be used by ASM.
 # It can be one of the following
 # - 1
 # - 2
 # - 4
 # - 8
 # - 16
 # Example: oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.AUSize=4
 # size unit is MB

 # List of disks to create a ASM DiskGroup
 # Example:
 #    For Unix based Operating System:
 #    oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disks=/oracle/asm/disk1,/oracle/asm/disk2
 #    For Windows based Operating System:
 #    oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disks=\\.\ORCLDISKDATA0,\\.\ORCLDISKDATA1

 # The disk discovery string to be used to discover the disks used create a ASM DiskGroup
 # Example:
 #    For Unix based Operating System:
 #    oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.diskDiscoveryString=/oracle/asm/*
 #    For Windows based Operating System:
 #    oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.diskDiscoveryString=\\.\ORCLDISK*

 # oracle.install.asm.monitorPassword=password

 #                                                                              #
 #                            SECTION H - UPGRADE                              #
 #                                                                              #
 # Specify nodes for Upgrade.
 # For upgrade on Windows, installer overrides the value of this parameter to include
 # all the nodes of the cluster. However, the stack is upgraded one node at a time.
 # Hence, this parameter may be left blank for Windows.
 # Example:,node2

 # For RAC-ASM only. oracle.install.asm.upgradeASM=true/false
 # Value should be 'true' while upgrading Cluster ASM of version 11gR2( and above
 # Specify the auto-updates option. It can be one of the following:
 # In case MYORACLESUPPORT_DOWNLOAD option is chosen, specify the location where
 # the updates are to be downloaded.
 # In case OFFLINE_UPDATES option is chosen, specify the location where the updates
 # are present.
 # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username which has the patches download privileges 
 # to be used for software updates.
 #  Example  :

 # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username password which has the patches download privileges 
 # to be used for software updates.

 # Specify the Proxy server name. Length should be greater than zero.
 # Example    :

 # Specify the proxy port number. Should be Numeric and atleast 2 chars.
 # Example    : PROXY_PORT=25
 # Specify the proxy user name. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD
 # blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.
 # Example    : PROXY_USER=username

 # Specify the proxy password. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD 
 # blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.
 # Example    : PROXY_PWD=password
 # Specify the proxy realm.
 # Example    : PROXY_REALM=metalink

3. 使用以下命令来开始静默安装集群软件:
./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /home/grid/grid.rsp 

# You can find the log of this install session at: 
 # As a root user, execute the following script(s): 
 #        1. /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/ 
 # As install user, execute the following script to complete the configuration. 
 #        1. /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/configToolAllCommands
 #        Note: 
 #        1. This script should be run in the same environment from where the installer has been run. 
 #        2. This script needs a small password properties file for configuration assistants that require passwords (refer to install guide documentation). 
 # Successfully Setup Software. 

之后,在两个节点分别使用ROOT用户来执行 root.sh脚本。
 在 nascds10 节点,登录root用户,执行
cd <GI_HOME>
在 nascds11 节点,登录root用户,执行
cd <GI_HOME>

在所有节点执行root.sh脚本成功之后,回到发起的nascds10节点,使用grid用户继续执行 以上安装日志中提到的configToolAllCommands


$ touch
 su - root
 # chmod 600 
 # ls -rtl /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs

-rw------- 1 grid oinstall 330 Apr 30 11:50 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/ 

su - grid
 $cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/
 $./configToolAllCommands RESPONSE_FILE=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/


