Oracle12c中的调度器已被增强,以便可以包含基于脚本的任务,这样,你就可以定义行内脚本,或在文件系统上调用脚本。这些是外部任务的一个变种,但SQL_SCRIPT和BACKUP_SCRIPT任务类型使得处理认证和多宿主环境变得 更加容易。
在多宿主环境中,有些Oracle提供的脚本必须按照特定顺序执行,先在CDB$ROOT容器中执行。"" 模块可以完成它,并且提供确定容器的日志,这样,你可以很容易的检查任务完成情况。
$ perl
Usage: catcon [-uusername[/password]] [-U username[/password]]
[-d directory] [-l directory]
[{-c|-C} container] [-pdegree-of-parallelism]
[-e] [-s]
[-E { ON |errorlogging-table-other-than-SPERRORLOG } ]
-b log-file-name-base
{ sqlplus-script [arguments] |--x } ...
-uusername (optional /password; otherwise prompts for password)
used to connect to the database to run user-supplied scripts or
SQL statements
defaults to "/ as sysdba"
-Uusername (optional /password; otherwise prompts for password)
used to connect to the database to perform internal tasks
defaults to "/ as sysdba"
-ddirectory containing the file to be run
-ldirectory to use for spool log files
-ccontainer(s) in which to run sqlplus scripts, i.e. skip all
Containers not named here; for example,
-c 'PDB1 PDB2',
-Ccontainer(s) in which NOT to run sqlplus scripts, i.e. skip all
Containers named here; for example,
NOTE: -c and -C are mutually exclusive
-pexpected number of concurrent invocations of this script on a given
NOTE: this parameter rarely needs to be specified
-esets echo on while running sqlplus scripts
-soutput of running every script will be spooled into a file whose name
will be
-Esets errorlogging on; if ON is specified, default error logging table
will be used, otherwise, specified error logging table (which must
have been created in every Container) will be used
-gturns on production of debugging info while running this script
-bbase name (e.g. catcon_test) for log and spool file names
sqlplus-script - sqlplus script to run OR
SQL-statement - a statement toexecute
-if --x is the first non-option string, it needs to be
preceeded with -- to avoid confusing module parsing options into
assuming that '-' is an option which that module is not expecting and
about which it will complain
-command line parameters to SQL scripts can be introduced using --p
interactive (or secret) parameters to SQL scripts can be introduced
using --P
For example,
perl ... x.sql '--pJohn' '--PEnter Password for John:' ...
$ . oraenv
ORACLE_SID = [cdb1] ?
The Oracle base remains unchanged with value/u01/app/oracle
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/
$ perl -d $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin-b /tmp/catblock_output catblock.sql
$ ls /tmp/catblock_output*
catblock_output0.log catblock_output1.log catblock_output2.log catblock_output3.log
第一个输出文件包含了来自"cdb$root" and "pdb$seed"容器的输出。最后一个文件包含了该任务的整体状态输出信息。中间的其他文件包含了所有用户自己创建的PDBS的输出。
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/
$ perl -e -b /tmp/tbs_files_output-- --x"SELECT tablespace_name,file_name FROM dba_data_files"
$ ls /tmp/tbs_files_output*
/tmp/tbs_files_output0.log /tmp/tbs_files_output1.log /tmp/tbs_files_output2.log /tmp/tbs_files_output3.log
通过"-c"选项和"-C"选项,你可以包含和排除特定的PDBS。下例通过漏掉root 和seed容器来在所有用户定义的容器中运行一个查询。
$ rm -f /tmp/tbs_files_output*
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/
$ perl -e -C 'CDB$ROOT PDB$SEED' -b/tmp/tbs_files_output -- --x"SELECT tablespace_name,file_name FROM dba_data_files"