
NAME                                    TYPE                VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

aq_tm_processes                        integer                1

db_writer_processes                    integer                1

gcs_server_processes                  integer                0

global_txn_processes                  integer                1

job_queue_processes                    integer                1000

log_archive_max_processes              integer                4

processes                              integer                100

scope=memory  对于动态参数,可以实现立即生效,下次启动失效。

SQL> alter system set pga_aggregate_target = 600m scope=memory;

System altered.



SQL> startup pfile='/data/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/dbs/initorcl.ora';

ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 2466250752 bytes

Fixed Size 2927384 bytes

Variable Size 1426064616 bytes

Database Buffers 1023410176 bytes

Redo Buffers 13848576 bytes

Database mounted.

Database opened.

SQL> alter system set processes = 100;

alter system set processes = 100


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified

SQL> alter system set processes = 100 scope=spfile;

alter system set processes = 100 scope=spfile


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-32001: write to SPFILE requested but no SPFILE is in use

SQL> alter system set processes = 100 scope=both;

alter system set processes = 100 scope=both


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified

SQL> alter system set processes = 100 scope=memory;

alter system set processes = 100 scope=memory


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified



# Cache and I/O    高速缓存和 I/O
db_block_size=8192  指定数据块大小为8KB
db_cache_size=33554432    指定数据缓冲区为32MB,该值越大,可以减少对数据库文件的I/O次数,提高效率

# Cursors and Library Cache  游标和库高速缓存
open_cursors=300  指定一个会话一次可以打开的游标的最大数量为300,应将该值设置得足够高,这样才能防止应用程序耗尽打开的游标

# Database Identification  数据库标识
db_domain=""  数据库域名为mynet,加上数据库名称db_name构成全局数据库名称
db_name=cicro  数据库名称为myoracle

# Diagnostics and Statistics    诊断和统计
background_dump_dest=/opt/oracle/admin/cicro/bdump  后台进程跟踪文件目录
core_dump_dest=/opt/oracle/admin/cicro/cdump        核心转储跟踪文件目录
timed_statistics=TRUE                                收集操作系统的计时信息,这些信息可被用来优化数据库和 SQL 语句
user_dump_dest=/opt/oracle/admin/cicro/udump        用户进程跟踪文件目录

# File Configuration
control_files=("/opt/oracle/oradata/cicro/control01.ctl", "/opt/oracle/oradata/cicro/control02.ctl",

"/opt/oracle/oradata/cicro/control03.ctl")    指定控制文件的路径及文件名

# Instance Identification  网络注册
instance_name=test  例程名称为test

# Job Queues

