统计图形就我们会常到的数据图形了,如果三个数组以图形显示或楼盘以图形走向我们都会要用到图形,下面我来介绍一个php LIbchart图形生成类吧,很用的有需要的朋友可参考。
复制代码 代码如下:
update by Leo
It's draw the pic of Sheet,and it will take all the num on the pic.
require "./libchart/classes/libchart.php";
class drawPic{
var $chart;
var $style;
function drawPic($style="1",$width="500",$height="250"){
$this->chart = new VerticalBarChart($width,$height);
}else if($style==2){
$this->chart = new LineChart($width,$height);
}else if($style==3){
$this->chart = new PieChart($width,$height);
$this->chart=new HorizontalBarChart($width,$height);
function draw($obj){
$dataSet = new XYDataSet() ;
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
$dataSet->addPoint ( new Point($key,$val)) ;
$this->chart->setDataSet ( $dataSet ) ;
}else if($this->style==2||$this->style=="2"){
$dataSet = new XYSeriesDataSet();
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
$serie{$i}= new XYDataSet();
foreach($val as $k => $v){
$serie{$i}->addPoint(new Point($k,$v));
}else if($style==3){
$dataSet = new XYDataSet() ;
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
$dataSet->addPoint ( new Point($key."($val)",$val)) ;
$this->chart->setDataSet ( $dataSet ) ;
$dataSet = new XYDataSet();
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
$dataSet->addPoint ( new Point($key,$val)) ;
class kkk{};
$n=new drawPic("4");//it will set 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
$k=new kkk();
$k->dataArray=array("2000"=>"30","2001"=>"40","2002"=>"50","2003"=>"60","2004"=>"70","2005"=>"80","20020"=>"90");//style==1 or style=2 or style=4
//$k->dataArray=array("yi"=>array("2000"=>"30","2001"=>"40","2002"=>"50","2004"=>"60"),"er"=>array("2003"=>"60","2004"=>"70","2005"=>"80","20020"=>"90"),"san"=>array("33"=>"12","45"=>"56","89"=>"45","86"=>"49"));//style==2 and the years will show first array to block.(it will be show 2000 2001 2002 2004)
$k->title="The Sheet title";
如果要使用中文可能会发现libchart中文乱码 了,下面找了一个办法
复制代码 代码如下: