Containerd 配置文件末尾追加了如下配置:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors] [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors.""] endpoint = ["", ""]完整配置示例
"": endpoint: - "" "": endpoint: - "" - "" configs: "": auth: username: '' # this is the registry username password: '' # this is the registry password tls: cert_file: '' # path to the cert file used in the registry key_file: '' # path to the key file used in the registry ca_file: '' # path to the ca file used in the registry "": auth: username: '' # this is the registry username password: '' # this is the registry password tls: cert_file: '' # path to the cert file used in the registry key_file: '' # path to the key file used in the registry ca_file: '' # path to the ca file used in the registry 参考链接K3s私有镜像仓库配置: