建造基于Ubuntu的NAS服务器(ftp samba Apache, PHP MySQL(6)

HOWTO : Home made NAS server with Ubuntu 8.04.1 – Part VI
[HOWTO] 用Ubuntu 8.04.1搭建NAS服务器 – Part VI

This part is also optional. The Samba is shared with Windows desktops that files stored in the Samba will be infected by virus. To prevent this, you should install the ClamAV, the open source anti-virus program for Linux that kills Windows virus.


Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and append the following lines at the end of the file :

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

# ClamAV PPA
deb hardy main
deb-src hardy main

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon arj unzoo lha unrar

Make sure clamav-daemon is running :
ps ax | grep clamd

If not :
sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start
sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam start

Scan and kill virus if found at 03:00am on every day :
sudo crontab -e

0 3 * * * clamscan -r -i –remove /home > /home/samiux/scan.txt

Remember to configure the ClamAV’s 15 threads to 3 or less in order to reduce the consumption of CPU resources but the con is that it take a longer time to complete the virus scan of the whole system :
sudo dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base

Remarks : The current version of ClamAV at the time of this writing cannot scan RAR files. It is a bug and it will be fixed later.

HOWTO : Home made NAS server with Ubuntu 8.04.1 – Part VII
[HOWTO] 用Ubuntu 8.04.1搭建NAS服务器 – Part VII

Some personal NAS in the market comes with iTune music server. However, iTune is not an Open Source software.

Sockos is an Open Source personal music server that written in Java. She requires Sun’s Java Runtime. IcedTea is not compatible so far.

Sockos is a cross platform software and requires no installation. She can run on a standalone personal computer or on a server. For running on personal computer with GUI, please refer to her official site.

The client computer requires no mp3 player to play the music but may need Flash (optional). Flex player requires no installation of music player on the clinet computer. Other formats, such as WMV, OGG and Flac, require pre-installed music players that fit for the special formats.
客户机上播放音乐,不需要mp3播放器,可能需要Flash。客户机上的Flex player不需要安装。其他的格式,如WMV, OGG and Flac,需要预先安装相应的播放器。

The advantage of Sockos is that you can listen to your mp3 files at anytime and anywhere under the condition that fast internet connection is available. The disadvantage is that you should have at least IEEE 802.11g (54M) Wifi connection for smooth operation. GPRS and HSDPA do not work properly in my testing.
使用Sockos的优点是,在有快速互联网连接时,你可以在任何时间任何地点听你的mp3文件。缺点是,你至少要有EEE 802.11g (54M) Wifi,才能有平滑的操作。经过测试,GPRS和 HSDPA无法正常运行。


