INFO: Detected a RAC deployment…
INFO: Starting all (2) VMs…
INFO: VM with a simple name of “racnode.0″ is in a Stopped state, attempting to start it….OK.
INFO: VM with a simple name of “racnode.1″ is in a Stopped state, attempting to start it….OK.
INFO: Verifying that all (2) VMs are in Running state and pass prerequisite checks…..
INFO: Detected that all (2) VMs specified on command line have (5) common shared disks between them (ASM_MIN_DISKS=5)
INFO: The (2) VMs passed basic sanity checks and in Running state, sending cluster details as follows:
netconfig.ini (Network setup): /root/deploycluster/netconfig.ini
buildcluster: yes
INFO: Starting to send configuration details to all (2) VM(s)…..
INFO: Sending to VM with a simple name of “racnode.0″….
INFO: Sending to VM with a simple name of “racnode.1″……
INFO: Configuration details sent to (2) VMs…
Check log (default location /u01/racovm/buildcluster.log) on build VM (racnode.0)…
INFO: completed successfully at 15:01:34 in 18.7 seconds (0h:00m:18s)
Logfile at: /root/deploycluster/deploycluster2.log