
Benno's blog has an article to change the ramdisk image, I tried it and give more details here.
ramdisk.img is included in the google android sdk, it exists in folder $SDK_ROOT/tools/lib/images/ramdisk.img. The ramdisk.img included in the google android sdk is a gzipped ramdisk.cpio file.
Here is the steps:

Upload the ramdisk.img to your linux machine

Change the ramdisk.img name to ramdisk.cpio.gz, and extract it by: # gzip -d ramdisk.cpio.gz

Create a temporary folder, say tmp, copy ramdisk.cpio to tmp folder

Extract the ramdisk.cpio in the tmp folder with command: # cpio -i -F ramdisk.cpio

Remove the ramdisk.cpio in the tmp folder, and make any changes you want to the extracted ramdisk.cpio in tmp folder

Recreate the ramdisk.cpio with command: # cpio -i -t -F ../ramdisk.cpio | cpio -o -H newc -O ../ramdisk_new.cpio Some notes:

I change ramdisk.img to ramdisk.cpio.gz, and unzip it. It is because I find the -z parameter is not supported with my cpio. I tried the latest cpio (2.9), it doesn't work too.

Check cpio version by # cpio --version. I'm using cpio version 2.4.

Find the latest cpio (v 2.9) on site: gnu cpio

Notice that in step 6, the command includes two O's. First o is lower-case, second is up-case.

Notice in step 6, please remain ramdisk.cpio in up folder of tmp folder. The command need it there.

