Azure 入门基础:自定义 Table storage 查询条件(2)

string startStr = "abc"; int endIndex = startStr.Length - 1; Char lastChar = startStr[endIndex]; // 找到比字符'c'大的那个字符。 Char afterLastChar = (char)(lastChar + 1); // 拼出字符串 "abd" string endStr = startStr.Substring(0, endIndex) + afterLastChar; string startsWithCondition = TableQuery.CombineFilters( TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual, startStr), TableOperators.And, TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.LessThan, endStr) );


在前面构建 StartsWith 过滤条件时我们已经使用 TableQuery.CombineFilters 方法组合了不同的过滤条件。遗憾的是 TableQuery.CombineFilters 方法只有两个参数的重载,我们不能添加更多的 TableOperators 操作。

但我们可以继续调用 TableQuery.CombineFilters 方法去组合上一个结果和新的条件。比如我们要把 Startswith 过滤条件和 PartitionKey 过滤条件组合起来就可以这么干:

string filterCondition = TableQuery.CombineFilters( TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, "201607"), TableOperators.And, "(RowKey ge 'abc') and (RowKey lt 'abd')" );


(PartitionKey eq '201607') and ((RowKey ge 'abc') and (RowKey lt 'abd'))

到这来就很清楚了,TableQuery.CombineFilters 方法的主要工作就是把过滤条件组织成查询引擎能够识别的字符串。因而我们可以通过不断的叠加生成很复杂的过滤条件。

封装 StartsWith 过滤条件

下面我们把 StartsWith 的逻辑封装到 StartsWithByRowKey 类型中,下面是完整的代码:

public class MyLogEntity : TableEntity { public MyLogEntity() { } public MyLogEntity(string pkey, string rkey) { this.PartitionKey = pkey; this.RowKey = rkey; } public DateTime LogDate { get; set; } public string LogMessage { get; set; } public string ErrorType { get; set; } }

public class StartsWithByRowKey : IQuery<CloudTable, List<MyLogEntity>> { private readonly string partitionKey; private readonly string startsWithString;
internal StartsWithByRowKey(string partitionKey, string startsWithString) { this.partitionKey = partitionKey; this.startsWithString = startsWithString; } public List<MyLogEntity> Execute(CloudTable coludTable) { var query = new TableQuery<MyLogEntity>(); int endIndex = startsWithString.Length - 1; Char lastChar = startsWithString[endIndex]; Char afterLastChar = (char)(lastChar + 1); string endStr = startsWithString.Substring(0, endIndex) + afterLastChar; string startsWithCondition = TableQuery.CombineFilters( TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual, startsWithString), TableOperators.And, TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.LessThan, endStr) ); string filterCondition = TableQuery.CombineFilters( TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, partitionKey), TableOperators.And, startsWithCondition ); var entities = coludTable.ExecuteQuery(query.Where(filterCondition)); return entities.ToList(); } } public interface IQuery<in TModel, out TResult> { TResult Execute(TModel model); }

应用 StartsWith 的实例

现在查询 PartitionKey 为"201607",RowKey 以"16"开头的记录可以这么写:

