void *Accepter::entry() { ... int sd = ::accept(listen_sd, (sockaddr*)&addr.ss_addr(), &slen); if (sd >= 0) { errors = 0; ldout(msgr->cct,10) << "accepted incoming on sd " << sd << dendl; msgr->add_accept_pipe(sd); ... //创建新的Pipe Pipe *SimpleMessenger::add_accept_pipe(int sd) { lock.Lock(); Pipe *p = new Pipe(this, Pipe::STATE_ACCEPTING, NULL); p->sd = sd; p->pipe_lock.Lock(); p->start_reader(); p->pipe_lock.Unlock(); pipes.insert(p); accepting_pipes.insert(p); lock.Unlock(); return p; }(2)包含所有的连接对象(Pipe),每个连接Pipe有一个读线程/写线程。读线程负责从socket读取数据,然后放消息放到DispatchQueue分发队列。写线程负责从发送队列取出Message,然后写到socket。
class Pipe : public RefCountedObject { /** * The Reader thread handles all reads off the socket -- not just * Messages, but also acks and other protocol bits (excepting startup, * when the Writer does a couple of reads). * All the work is implemented in Pipe itself, of course. */ class Reader : public Thread { Pipe *pipe; public: Reader(Pipe *p) : pipe(p) {} void *entry() { pipe->reader(); return 0; } } reader_thread; ///读线程 friend class Reader; /** * The Writer thread handles all writes to the socket (after startup). * All the work is implemented in Pipe itself, of course. */ class Writer : public Thread { Pipe *pipe; public: Writer(Pipe *p) : pipe(p) {} void *entry() { pipe->writer(); return 0; } } writer_thread; ///写线程 friend class Writer; ... ///发送队列 map<int, list<Message*> > out_q; // priority queue for outbound msgs DispatchQueue *in_q; ///接收队列(3)包含一个分发队列DispatchQueue,分发队列有一个专门的分发线程(DispatchThread),将消息分发给Dispatcher(OSD)完成具体逻辑处理。
这篇文章解析Ceph: 网络层的处理简单介绍了一下Ceph的网络,但对Pipe与Connection的关系描述似乎不太准确,Pipe是对socket的封装,Connection更加上层、抽象。
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