Ubuntu 16.04 中安装FPS 开源游戏 Warsow 2.10

FPS 开源游戏 Warsow 2.10 今年年初已经发布, 现在可通过getdeb安装 是用于Windows,Linux和Mac OS X的一款完全免费的快节奏的第一人称射击游戏。

波兰的历史是苦难的历史:奥斯维辛,卡廷,波兹南,卡钦斯基。华沙,Warsaw,波兰首都,战争之锯,散发着血腥之气。可今天是周五,人类的苦难与我们无关,我们只想下班。Warsow,和华沙一字母之差,免费第一人称射击游戏大作,未来主义卡通科幻风,任何一个场景都带着让人晕眩的基因,Win/Lin/Mac 通吃。游戏开发人员声称这是一款看不到肝脑涂地惨景的 FPS 游戏。诚然,你能看见的只有血块,还往往是正方体的。

Ubuntu 16.04 中安装FPS 开源游戏 Warsow 2.10


The first major change is that now the renderer is off-loaded into a separate thread, meaning that your mouse movement and networking is not affected by screen refresh rate anymore.

The second major change is that third-party maps and textures will now be sandboxed so that they can no longer override stock Warsow assets.

Path to local profile and cache on *nix systems now changed to better follow the XDG Directory Specification. The profile path has changed from $HOME/.warsow-2.x to either follow $XDG_DATA_HOME or to $HOME/.local/share/warsow-2.x by default. The same logic applies to cache directory as well. This change also affects server configurations.

And last but not least is the major uplift that the Race game mode has received thanks to hettoo’s efforts.

As usual, a fair amount of bugfixes along with mapping and modding improvements has gone into the release.

Ubuntu 16.04 安装 Warsow 2.10 方法:

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -sudo sh -c 'echo "deb xenial-getdeb games" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'

Ubuntu 16.04 中安装FPS 开源游戏 Warsow 2.10

sudo apt-get update

Ubuntu 16.04 中安装FPS 开源游戏 Warsow 2.10

sudo apt-get install warsow

Ubuntu 16.04 中安装FPS 开源游戏 Warsow 2.10

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