
void display_Ls( int cnt ){
    int wordLenMax = 0;//the LenMax word
    int wordRowNum = 0;//the amount of one row
    int wordColNum = 0;//the amount of one col
    int i , j;
    for( i=0;i<cnt;i++ ){
        if( i==0 ) wordLenMax = strlen( Output[ i ].FileName );
        else wordLenMax = wordLenMax>strlen( Output[ i ].FileName )?wordLenMax:strlen( Output[ i ].FileName );
    wordLenMax +=2;
    wordRowNum = terminalWidth / wordLenMax;
    if( cnt%wordRowNum==0 ) wordColNum = cnt / wordRowNum;
    else wordColNum = cnt / wordRowNum + 1;
    for( i=0;i<wordColNum;i++ ){
        j = i;
        while( j<cnt ){
            getcolor( Output[ j ].FileName );
            printf("\033[%d;%d;%dm%-15s\033[0m ",colormode,foreground,background,Output[ j ].FileName);
            j += wordColNum;
    return ;

void display_Ls_a( int cntPoint,int cnt ){
    int CNT = 0;
    int wordLenMax = 0;//the LenMax word
    int wordRowNum = 0;//the amount of one row
    int wordColNum = 0;//the amount of one col
    int i , j;
    for( i=0;i<cntPoint;i++ ){
        strcpy( Temp[ CNT ].FileName,OutputPoint[ i ].FileName );
        Temp[ CNT ].file_type = OutputPoint[ i ].file_type;
        Temp[ CNT ].modify_time = OutputPoint[ i ].modify_time;
        CNT ++;
        wordLenMax = wordLenMax>strlen( OutputPoint[ i ].FileName )?wordLenMax:strlen( OutputPoint[ i ].FileName );
    for( i=0;i<cnt;i++ ){
        strcpy( Temp[ CNT ].FileName,Output[ i ].FileName );
        Temp[ CNT ].file_type = Output[ i ].file_type;
        Temp[ CNT ].modify_time = Output[ i ].modify_time;
        CNT ++;
        wordLenMax = wordLenMax>strlen( Output[ i ].FileName )?wordLenMax:strlen( Output[ i ].FileName );
    wordLenMax += 2;
    wordRowNum = terminalWidth / wordLenMax;
    if( CNT%wordRowNum==0 ) wordColNum = CNT / wordRowNum;
    else wordColNum = CNT / wordRowNum + 1;
    for( i=0;i<wordColNum;i++ ){
        j = i;
        while( j<CNT ){
            getcolor( Temp[ j ].FileName );
            printf("\033[%d;%d;%dm%-15s\033[0m ",colormode,foreground,background,Temp[ j ].FileName);
            j += wordColNum;
    return ;
            ls -a 的分栏输出

