这个例子里一共有 1024 个提交点,遍历他们我们只用了 10 步。如果提交点数量再多一倍变成 2048 个,根据二分查找算法,我们仅仅需要多加一步就能找到想要的提交点,因为二分查找算法的时间复杂度为 O(log n)。
Git bisect 能接受一个脚本文件名作为命令参数,通过它的返回代码判断当前提交点的好坏。如果返回 0,就是好的提交点,返回其他值就是坏的提交点。凑巧的是,grep 命令如果找到了匹配行就会返回 0,反之返回 1。你可以使用 echo $? 命令来检查测试命令的返回值。
grep 的返回值正好和我们的测试标准相反,所以我们需要写一个脚本来反转它的值(我不太习惯写 shell 脚本,如果大家有更好的方法,感谢告知)。
if [[ `grep 1013 file.txt` ]]; then
exit 1
exit 0
保存上述代码为 test.sh,并赋予它执行权限。
接着在给 bisect 命令指定了初始的好/坏提交点之后,你只需要运行:
git bisect run ./test.sh
running ./ola.sh
Bisecting: 255 revisions left to test after this (roughly 8 steps)
[a01ba83f3500b48da97c5f5c33052623aaa4161a] added 768
running ./ola.sh
Bisecting: 127 revisions left to test after this (roughly 7 steps)
[4a4a668bf3363d09af5fd1906bc4272aacdb4495] added 896
running ./ola.sh
Bisecting: 63 revisions left to test after this (roughly 6 steps)
[9059c5b8b898159e8d1d797bff3b1febd1fd6a1c] added 960
running ./ola.sh
Bisecting: 31 revisions left to test after this (roughly 5 steps)
[0c844d0b33ef297b742206ebc293f4925705b083] added 992
running ./ola.sh
Bisecting: 15 revisions left to test after this (roughly 4 steps)
[0ee17eb17bd96b321a01c73eb13a8929a68b1239] added 1008
running ./ola.sh
Bisecting: 7 revisions left to test after this (roughly 3 steps)
[dfb1e71736dcfffa2a30aecd7299f45f757c057e] added 1016
running ./ola.sh
Bisecting: 3 revisions left to test after this (roughly 2 steps)
[6e6d08c374df5162fed65fed82859b69f86b936e] added 1012
running ./ola.sh
Bisecting: 1 revision left to test after this (roughly 1 step)
[1d23b7045a8accd254efa859d7fc66f1f58a59f0] added 1014
running ./ola.sh
Bisecting: 0 revisions left to test after this (roughly 0 steps)
[458eab0eb8d808e16d98ec7039a7c53855dd9ed6] added 1013
running ./ola.sh
458eab0eb8d808e16d98ec7039a7c53855dd9ed6 is the first bad commit
commit 458eab0eb8d808e16d98ec7039a7c53855dd9ed6
Author: Rodrigo Flores <mail@rodrigoflores.org>
Date: Tue Oct 21 22:31:05 2014 -0200
added 1013
:100644 100644 7bc3db7f48a43ccf1a8cc7c26146912cc88c1009 b393a2138a96c15
30f41f701ab43cca893226976 M file.txt
bisect run success
你很可能不会每天都用到 bisect。也许一周用一次,甚至一个月只用到一次。但是当你想要排查出带入问题的提交点时,bisect 确实能帮你一把。尽管并非必须,控制好每次提交的改动规模不要太大将对 bisect 排查大有帮助。如果每个提交都包含了大量的改动,那么就算 bisect 帮你找到这个提交,你也不得不埋头于大量的改动中苦苦搜寻 bug 的踪迹。因此,我推荐的提交策略是嫌大不嫌多。
你呢?你经常使用 bisect 吗?
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