
1 软硬件环境 1.1 硬件环境



Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz












Atheros Communitions PCI-E Gigabit Etherent Controller (NDIS 6.20)

1.2 软件环境





Media Server




Media Client




VLC Player

推荐参考: HelixServer for Linux配置 2 安装配置 2.1 安装前准备 2.1.1 选择部署方式

Helix Server可以单独部署在一台服务器上,也可以作为集群环境部署到多台服务器上。本次仅简单部署到一台机器上。

2.1.2 下载Helix Server软件包


2.1.3 准备Helix Server License文件

对于Helix Server试用版,在Helix官方网站上输入个人信息以及Email地址之后,Helix将会发送一个邮件到你输入的Email地址中,上面会有License下载地址,下载下来即可。


2.2 安装步骤 2.2.1 解压安装文件


unzip mbrs-150-GA-linux-rhel6-64.zip –d .


2.2.2 执行安装程序

直接执行解压出来的文件就可以进行安装了:./servinst_mobile_linux-rhel6-x86_64.bin(如果提示没有权限执行的话,为其加上可执行权限:chmod +x servinst_mobile_linux-rhel6-x86_64.bin)。接下来就将是Helix Server的文本安装界面了,下面将会按照提示进行一步步的操作:

1) 首先,安装程序会开始解压缩文件,解压完成之后进入欢迎界面,按下回车开始进行安装:

[root@yuanhuan install_softwares]# ./servinst_mobile_linux-rhel6-x86_64.bin

Extracting files for Helix installation........................

Welcome to the Helix Universal Media Server (RealNetworks) ( Setup for UNIX

Setup will help you get Helix Universal Media Server running on your computer.

Press [Enter] to continue...


2) 接下来会提示输入License文件的路径,将下载来的License文件的绝对路径输入即可:

If a Helix Universal Media Server license key file has been sent to you,

please enter its directory path below. If you have not

received a Helix Universal Media Server license key file, then this server

WILL NOT OPERATE until a license key file is placed in

the server's License directory. Please obtain a free

Basic Helix Universal Media Server license or purchase a commercial license

from our website at If you need

further assistance, please visit our on-line support area


MachineID: 6cc5-1ca9-858e-b19a-018f-f1a2-c666-02d5

License Key File: []: /root/install_softwares/RNKey-Helix_Universal_Server_10-Stream-nullnull-6945361418389727.lic


3) License文件验证通过之后,就会出现很长的License阅读,按空格进行翻页,在License的最后会出现是否打印的选项,此处不打印即可。接着会出现是否接受License的选项,默认是接受的,直接回车即可:

Installation and use of Helix Universal Media Server requires

acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

Press [Enter] to display the license text...

[ Very long license text begin ]


[ Very long license text end ]

Choose "Yes" to print the terms of this

license agreement and continue with Helix Universal Media Server setup.

The license agreement will be saved in EULA.txt.

To skip printing, enter "No"

Print the above license agreement (EULA): [No]:

Choose "Accept" to accept the terms of this

license agreement and continue with Helix Universal Media Server setup.

If you do not accept these terms, enter "No"

and installation of Helix Universal Media Server will be cancelled.

I accept the above license: [Accept]:


4) 接下来输入安装目录,默认是当前目录,自定义为自己的安装目录即可:

Enter the complete path to the directory where you want

Helix Universal Media Server to be installed. You must specify the full

pathname of the directory and have write privileges to

the chosen directory.

Directory: [/root/install_softwares]: /opt/helix


5) 接下来输入管理员的用户名和密码,此处自定义即可:

Please enter a username and password that you will use

to access the web-based Helix Universal Media Server Administrator and


Username []: admin

Password []:

Confirm Password []:


6) 接下来是生成SSL证书的配置,以前用过openssl创建过SSL证书的话此步骤应该并不陌生,如果之前没用过,就按照提示一步步输入证书信息即可。特别需要注意的是其中的Common Name一项,需要设置为使用该证书的域名或者IP,其他项根据实际设置即可。

Please enter SSL/TLS configuration information.

Country Name (2 letter code) [US]: CN

State or Province Name (full name) [My State]: Guangdong

Locality Name (e.g., city) [My Locality]: Shenzhen

Organization Name (e.g., company) [My Company]: TCL

Organizational Unit Name (e.g., section) [My Department]: TCL

Common Name (e.g., hostname) [My Name]:

Email Address [myname@mailhost]: admin@tcl.com

Certificate Request Optional Name []:


7) 下面将会设置端口号,Helix关于每种服务都是用默认的端口号的,如果想直接使用默认端口号,直接回车跳过即可。如果安装部署的时候有端口号规划或者端口号冲突,此处就可以输入y进行自定义。并且安装成功之后这些端口号也还是可以修改的。

Configure Ports (y/n): [no]:


8) 至此,Helix的配置已经基本完成,下面将会对之前的配置信息做一下摘要,确认无误之后就可以回车进行安装了。如果发现配置有问题,可以输入P进行修改。

You have selected the following Helix Universal Media Server configuration:

Install Location: /opt/helix

Encoder User/Password: admin/****

Monitor Password: ****

Admin User/Password: admin/****

Admin Port: 12089

Secure Admin Port: 29097

RTSP Port: 554

RTMP Port: 1935

HTTP Port: 80

HTTPS Port: 443

RTSP Fast Channel Switching API Port: 8008

Server Side Playlist API Port: 8009

Content Mgmt Port: 8010

Control Port Security: Disabled

Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to

revise the above settings: [F]:


9) 等待几分钟之后,安装就会成功完成,将会看到如下信息:

Generating SSL/TLS Key file...

Running: 'OPENSSL_CONF=openssl.cnf Bin/openssl genrsa -out

Certificates/key.pem 2048'

Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus



e is 65537 (0x10001)

Generating SSL/TLS Cert file...

Running: 'OPENSSL_CONF=openssl.cnf Bin/openssl req -new -x509 -key

Certificates/key.pem -out Certificates/cert.pem -days 1000 -batch'

Generating SSL/TLS CSR file...

Running: 'OPENSSL_CONF=openssl.cnf Bin/openssl req -new -key

Certificates/key.pem -out Certificates/key.csr -batch'

Copying Helix Universal Media Server files...

Helix Universal Media Server installation is complete.

RealNetworks recommends increasing the default file descriptor

limits prior to using your Helix Universal Media Server or Proxy. Please

refer to the Installation Chapter of the Helix Systems Integration

Guide for more information on setting File Descriptor limits,

and recommended settings for your system.

If at any time you should require technical

assistance, please visit our on-line support area


Cleaning up installation files...



