FastDFS 配置文件详解(7)

# set keep_alive to 1 to enable persistent connection with FastDHT servers
 # default value is 0 (short connection)
 # 与FastDHT servers 的连接方式 (是否为持久连接) ,默认是0(短连接方式)。可以考虑使用长连接,这要看FastDHT server的连接数是否够用。

# 下面是关于FastDHT servers 的设定 需要对FastDHT servers 有所了解,这里只说字面意思了
# you can use "#include filename" (not include double quotes) directive to
 # load FastDHT server list, when the filename is a relative path such as
 # pure filename, the base path is the base path of current/this config file.
 # must set FastDHT server list when check_file_duplicate is true / on
 # please see INSTALL of FastDHT for detail
 ##include /home/yuqing/fastdht/conf/fdht_servers.conf
 # 可以通过 #include filename 方式来加载 FastDHT servers  的配置,装上FastDHT就知道该如何配置啦。
# 同样要求 check_file_duplicate=1 时才有用,不然系统会忽略
# fdht_servers.conf 记载的是 FastDHT servers 列表

# if log to access log
 # default value is false
 # since V4.00
 use_access_log = false
 # 是否将文件操作记录到access log

# if rotate the access log every day
 # default value is false
 # since V4.00
 rotate_access_log = false
 # 是否定期轮转access log,目前仅支持一天轮转一次

# rotate access log time base, time format: Hour:Minute
 # Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
 # default value is 00:00
 # since V4.00
 # access log定期轮转的时间点,只有当rotate_access_log设置为true时有效

# if rotate the error log every day
 # default value is false
 # since V4.02
 rotate_error_log = false
 # 是否定期轮转error log,目前仅支持一天轮转一次

# rotate error log time base, time format: Hour:Minute
 # Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
 # default value is 00:00
 # since V4.02
 # error log定期轮转的时间点,只有当rotate_error_log设置为true时有效

# rotate access log when the log file exceeds this size
 # 0 means never rotates log file by log file size
 # default value is 0
 # since V4.02
 rotate_access_log_size = 0
 # access log按文件大小轮转
# 设置为0表示不按文件大小轮转,否则当access log达到该大小,就会轮转到新文件中

# rotate error log when the log file exceeds this size
 # 0 means never rotates log file by log file size
 # default value is 0
 # since V4.02
 rotate_error_log_size = 0
 # error log按文件大小轮转
# 设置为0表示不按文件大小轮转,否则当error log达到该大小,就会轮转到新文件中

# if skip the invalid record when sync file
 # default value is false
 # since V4.02
 # 文件同步的时候,是否忽略无效的binlog记录

#HTTP settings

# the port of the web server on this storage server

 # http.trunk_size表示读取文件内容的buffer大小(一次读取的文件内容大小),也就是回复给HTTP client的块大小。

# use the ip address of this storage server if domain_name is empty,
 # else this domain name will ocur in the url redirected by the tracker server
 # storage server上web server域名,通常仅针对单独部署的web server。这样URL中就可以通过域名方式来访问storage server上的文件了,
# 这个参数为空就是IP地址的方式。

#use "#include" directive to include HTTP other settiongs
 ##include http.conf

CentOS6环境单服务器FastDFS+Nginx+fastdfs-nginx-module 安装配置

Ubuntu 14.04下部署FastDFS 5.08+Nginx 1.9.14

CentOS 6.2下fastDFS的完整安装和配置步骤



CentOS 7 安装配置分布式文件系统 FastDFS 5.0.5 



