In 'htop' you can scroll the list vertically and horizontally to see all processes and complete command lines.
In 'top' you are subject to a delay for each unassigned key you press (especially annoying when multi-key escape sequences are triggered by accident).
'htop' starts faster ('top' seems to collect data for a while before displaying anything).
In 'htop' you don't need to type the process number to kill a process, in 'top' you do.
In 'htop' you don't need to type the process number or the priority value to renice a process, in 'top' you do.
'htop' supports mouse operation, 'top' doesn't
'top' is older, hence, more used and tested.
F1 帮助信息 (支持鼠标哦)
记住常用的几个快捷键就行 什么t s P M H K等等
F2 一些设置 (这个比较简单)
F3 是可以搜索 F4是过滤出哪个进程 F5 就是上面的快捷键t F6是选择进程排序的依据(默认是CPU使用率)
F7 F8可以直接修改选中进程的优先级
F9 可以直接kill掉进程
PS 一个 :选中进程 按快捷键s 可以strace 进程 前提是安装了strace。
总结一句话 这个软件很简单 大家玩了就知道 决定比top好用