php中soap 的使用实例无需手写WSDL文件,提供自动生成WSDL文件类(4)
* CWsdlGenerator class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright © 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CWsdlGenerator generates the WSDL for a given service class.
* The WSDL generation is based on the doc comments found in the service class file.
* In particular, it recognizes the '@soap' tag in the comment and extracts
* API method and type definitions.
* In a service class, a remote invokable method must be a public method with a doc
* comment block containing the '@soap' tag. In the doc comment, the type and name
* of every input parameter and the type of the return value should be declared using
* the standard phpdoc format.
* CWsdlGenerator recognizes the following primitive types (case-sensitive) in
* the parameter and return type declarations:
* <ul>
* <li>str/string: maps to xsd:string;</li>
* <li>int/integer: maps to xsd:int;</li>
* <li>float/double: maps to xsd:float;</li>
* <li>bool/boolean: maps to xsd:boolean;</li>
* <li>date: maps to xsd:date;</li>
* <li>time: maps to xsd:time;</li>
* <li>datetime: maps to xsd:dateTime;</li>
* <li>array: maps to xsd:string;</li>
* <li>object: maps to xsd:struct;</li>
* <li>mixed: maps to xsd:anyType.</li>
* </ul>
* If a type is not a primitive type, it is considered as a class type, and
* CWsdlGenerator will look for its property declarations. Only public properties
* are considered, and they each must be associated with a doc comment block containg
* the '@soap' tag. The doc comment block should declare the type of the property.
* CWsdlGenerator recognizes the array type with the following format:
* <pre>
* typeName[]: maps to tns:typeNameArray
* </pre>
* The following is an example declaring a remote invokable method:
* <pre>
* / **
* * A foo method.
* * @param string name of something
* * @param string value of something
* * @return string[] some array
* * @soap
* * /
* public function foo($name,$value) {...}
* </pre>
* And the following is an example declaring a class with remote accessible properties:
* <pre>
* class Foo {
/ **
* @var string name of foo
* @soap
* /
public $name;
/ **
* @var Member[] members of foo
* @soap
* /
public $members;
* }
* </pre>
* In the above, the 'members' property is an array of 'Member' objects. Since 'Member' is not
* a primitive type, CWsdlGenerator will look further to find the definition of 'Member'.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @version $Id: CWsdlGenerator.php 2799 2011-01-01 19:31:13Z qiang.xue $
* @package
* @since 1.0
class SoapDiscovery {
* @var string the namespace to be used in the generated WSDL.
* If not set, it defaults to the name of the class that WSDL is generated upon.
public $namespace;
* @var string the name of the generated WSDL.
* If not set, it defaults to "urn:{$className}wsdl".
public $serviceName;
private $_operations;
private $_types;
private $_messages;
* Generates the WSDL for the given class.
* @param string $className class name
* @param string $serviceUrl Web service URL
* @param string $encoding encoding of the WSDL. Defaults to 'UTF-8'.
* @return string the generated WSDL
public function getWSDL($className, $serviceUrl, $encoding = 'UTF-8') {
$this->_operations = array();
$this->_types = array();
$this->_messages = array();
if ($this->serviceName === null)
$this->serviceName = $className;
if ($this->namespace === null)
$this->namespace = "urn:{$className}wsdl";
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($className);
foreach ($reflection->getMethods() as $method) {
if ($method->isPublic())
//return $this->buildDOM($serviceUrl, $encoding)->saveXML();
$fso = fopen($this->serviceName . ".wsdl", "w");
fwrite($fso, $this->buildDOM($serviceUrl, $encoding)->saveXML());
* @param ReflectionMethod $method method
private function processMethod($method) {
$comment = $method->getDocComment();
if (strpos($comment, '@soap') === false)
$methodName = $method->getName();
$comment = preg_replace('/^\s*\**(\s*?$|\s*)/m', '', $comment);
$params = $method->getParameters();
$message = array();
$n = preg_match_all('/^@param\s+([\w\.]+(\[\s*\])?)\s*?(.*)$/im', $comment, $matches);
if ($n > count($params))
$n = count($params);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i)
$message[$params[$i]->getName()] = array($this->processType($matches[1][$i]), trim($matches[3][$i])); // name => type, doc
$this->_messages[$methodName . 'Request'] = $message;
if (preg_match('/^@return\s+([\w\.]+(\[\s*\])?)\s*?(.*)$/im', $comment, $matches))
$return = array($this->processType($matches[1]), trim($matches[2])); // type, doc
$return = null;
$this->_messages[$methodName . 'Response'] = array('return' => $return);
if (preg_match('/^\/\*+\s*([^@]*?)\n@/s', $comment, $matches))
$doc = trim($matches[1]);
$doc = '';
$this->_operations[$methodName] = $doc;
* @param string $type PHP variable type
private function processType($type) {
static $typeMap = array(
'string' => 'xsd:string',
'str' => 'xsd:string',
'int' => 'xsd:int',
'integer' => 'xsd:integer',
'float' => 'xsd:float',
'double' => 'xsd:float',
'bool' => 'xsd:boolean',
'boolean' => 'xsd:boolean',
'date' => 'xsd:date',
'time' => 'xsd:time',
'datetime' => 'xsd:dateTime',
'array' => 'soap-enc:Array',
'object' => 'xsd:struct',
'mixed' => 'xsd:anyType',
if (isset($typeMap[$type]))
return $typeMap[$type];
else if (isset($this->_types[$type]))
return is_array($this->_types[$type]) ? 'tns:' . $type : $this->_types[$type];
else if (($pos = strpos($type, '[]')) !== false) { // if it is an array
$type = substr($type, 0, $pos);
if (isset($typeMap[$type]))
$this->_types[$type . '[]'] = 'xsd:' . $type . 'Array';
else {
$this->_types[$type . '[]'] = 'tns:' . $type . 'Array';
return $this->_types[$type . '[]'];
* @param string $serviceUrl Web service URL
* @param string $encoding encoding of the WSDL. Defaults to 'UTF-8'.
private function buildDOM($serviceUrl, $encoding) {
$xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$encoding\"?>
<definitions name=\"{$this->serviceName}\" targetNamespace=\"{$this->namespace}\"
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$this->addService($dom, $serviceUrl);
return $dom;
* @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree
private function addTypes($dom) {
if ($this->_types === array())
$types = $dom->createElement('wsdl:types');
$schema = $dom->createElement('xsd:schema');
$schema->setAttribute('targetNamespace', $this->namespace);
foreach ($this->_types as $phpType => $xmlType) {
if (is_string($xmlType) && strrpos($xmlType, 'Array') !== strlen($xmlType) - 5)
continue; // simple type
$complexType = $dom->createElement('xsd:complexType');
if (is_string($xmlType)) {
if (($pos = strpos($xmlType, 'tns:')) !== false)
$complexType->setAttribute('name', substr($xmlType, 4));
$complexType->setAttribute('name', $xmlType);
$complexContent = $dom->createElement('xsd:complexContent');
$restriction = $dom->createElement('xsd:restriction');
$restriction->setAttribute('base', 'soap-enc:Array');
$attribute = $dom->createElement('xsd:attribute');
$attribute->setAttribute('ref', 'soap-enc:arrayType');
$attribute->setAttribute('wsdl:arrayType', substr($xmlType, 0, strlen($xmlType) - 5) . '[]');
else if (is_array($xmlType)) {
$complexType->setAttribute('name', $phpType);
$all = $dom->createElement('xsd:all');
foreach ($xmlType as $name => $type) {
$element = $dom->createElement('xsd:element');
$element->setAttribute('name', $name);
$element->setAttribute('type', $type[0]);
* @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree
private function addMessages($dom) {
foreach ($this->_messages as $name => $message) {
$element = $dom->createElement('wsdl:message');
$element->setAttribute('name', $name);
foreach ($this->_messages[$name] as $partName => $part) {
if (is_array($part)) {
$partElement = $dom->createElement('wsdl:part');
$partElement->setAttribute('name', $partName);
$partElement->setAttribute('type', $part[0]);
* @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree
private function addPortTypes($dom) {
$portType = $dom->createElement('wsdl:portType');
$portType->setAttribute('name', $this->serviceName . 'PortType');
foreach ($this->_operations as $name => $doc)
$portType->appendChild($this->createPortElement($dom, $name, $doc));
* @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree
* @param string $name method name
* @param string $doc doc
private function createPortElement($dom, $name, $doc) {
$operation = $dom->createElement('wsdl:operation');
$operation->setAttribute('name', $name);
$input = $dom->createElement('wsdl:input');
$input->setAttribute('message', 'tns:' . $name . 'Request');
$output = $dom->createElement('wsdl:output');
$output->setAttribute('message', 'tns:' . $name . 'Response');
$operation->appendChild($dom->createElement('wsdl:documentation', $doc));
return $operation;
* @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree
private function addBindings($dom) {
$binding = $dom->createElement('wsdl:binding');
$binding->setAttribute('name', $this->serviceName . 'Binding');
$binding->setAttribute('type', 'tns:' . $this->serviceName . 'PortType');
$soapBinding = $dom->createElement('soap:binding');
$soapBinding->setAttribute('style', 'rpc');
$soapBinding->setAttribute('transport', '');
foreach ($this->_operations as $name => $doc)
$binding->appendChild($this->createOperationElement($dom, $name));
* @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree
* @param string $name method name
private function createOperationElement($dom, $name) {
$operation = $dom->createElement('wsdl:operation');
$operation->setAttribute('name', $name);
$soapOperation = $dom->createElement('soap:operation');
$soapOperation->setAttribute('soapAction', $this->namespace . '#' . $name);
$soapOperation->setAttribute('style', 'rpc');
$input = $dom->createElement('wsdl:input');
$output = $dom->createElement('wsdl:output');
$soapBody = $dom->createElement('soap:body');
$soapBody->setAttribute('use', 'encoded');
$soapBody->setAttribute('namespace', $this->namespace);
$soapBody->setAttribute('encodingStyle', '');
$output->appendChild(clone $soapBody);
return $operation;
* @param DOMDocument $dom Represents an entire HTML or XML document; serves as the root of the document tree
* @param string $serviceUrl Web service URL
private function addService($dom, $serviceUrl) {
$service = $dom->createElement('wsdl:service');
$service->setAttribute('name', $this->serviceName . 'Service');
$port = $dom->createElement('wsdl:port');
$port->setAttribute('name', $this->serviceName . 'Port');
$port->setAttribute('binding', 'tns:' . $this->serviceName . 'Binding');
$soapAddress = $dom->createElement('soap:address');
$soapAddress->setAttribute('location', $serviceUrl);