onInputSubmit = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); this.setState((previousState)=>({ list: [...previousState.list, {item: previousState.newToDo, done: false }], // notice the change here newToDo: '' })); };
onListItemClick = (i) => { // takes the index of the element to be updated this.setState((previousState)=>({ list: [ ...previousState.list.slice(0, i), // slice returns a new array without modifying the existing array. Takes everything up to, but not including, the index passed in. Object.assign({}, previousState.list[i], {done: !previousState.list[i].done}), // Object.assign is a new ES6 feature that creates a new object based on the first param (in this case an empty object). Other objects can be passed in and will be added to the first object without being modified. ...previousState.list.slice(i+1) // takes everything after the index passed in and adds it to the array. ] })) };
然后把这个方法通过props传递给List 组件,这里就没有使用解构参数传递,用来和Input的做对比。因为这个函数需要一个参数就是当前列表的序列号,但是肯定不能直接call这个函数否则会报错,因此使用bind方法,出入i参数:
onClick={props.onClick.bind(null, i)}
onClick={() => props.onClick(i)}
然后在事项内容的span标签上添加 onClick 方法,改变当前事项的done值后,在通过判断此布尔值来进行样式的修改添加或者划掉删除线。
<span style={ el.done ? {textDecoration: 'line-through', fontSize: '20px'} : {textDecoration: 'none', fontSize: '20px'} } onClick={props.onClick.bind(null, i)} >
8. 删除事项
<button className="btn btn-danger pull-right" > x </button>
deleteListItem = (i) => { this.setState((previousState)=>({ // using previous state again list: [ ...previousState.list.slice(0, i), // again with the slice method ...previousState.list.slice(i+1) // the only diffence here is we're leaving out the clicked element ] })) };
把deleteListItem 方法传递到列表组件中然后在删除按钮上绑定即可,仿照上一个自己写一下就好。