This protocol plugin allows you to map HTTP requests to Gearman jobs. It only provides client job submission currently, but it may be extended to support other request types in the future. The plugin can handle both GET and POST data, the latter being used to send a workload to the job server. The URL being requested is translated into the function being called.
For example, the request:
POST /reverse HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 12
Hello world!
Is translated into a job submission request for the function “reverse” and workload “Hello world!”. This will respond with:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
X-Gearman-Job-Handle: H:lap:4
Content-Length: 12
Server: Gearman/0.8
!dlrow olleH
The following headers can be passed to change the behavior of the job:
* X-Gearman-Unique: <unique key>
* X-Gearman-Background: true
* X-Gearman-Priority: <high|low>
For example, to run a low priority background job, the following request can be sent:
POST /reverse HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 12
X-Gearman-Background: true
X-Gearman-Priority: low
Hello world!
The response for this request will not have any data associated with it since it was a background job:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
X-Gearman-Job-Handle: H:lap:6
Content-Length: 0
Server: Gearman/0.8
The HTTP protocol should be considered experimental.
开启gearman http监听功能,让前端以web api方式调用gearman job
/usr/local/gearman/sbin/gearmand \
-l /usr/local/gearman/log/trace.log \
--verbose INFO -p 4730 -u root -d -t 4 \
--http-port=8080 \
-r http
--http-port=8080 指定监听端口号
-r http 起用http协议模块
reverse就为函数名,假如POST的数据内容为:“Hello world!”,返回结果为:“!dlrow olleH”
* X-Gearman-Unique: <unique key>
* X-Gearman-Background: true
* X-Gearman-Priority: <high|low>
CentOS 5.6 64位下安装配置Gearman