Dell CentOS 环境下安装远程管理命令racadm(4)


/admin1-> racadm storage help get pdisks Storage monitoring and inventory of hardware RAID connected to the system. Usage : racadm storage get status racadm storage help <Object type I/II> racadm storage get <Object type I> racadm storage get <Object type I> -current racadm storage get <Object type I> -pending racadm storage get <Object type I> -o racadm storage get <Object type I> -o -p <property names separated by comma> racadm storage get <Object type I>:<FQDD's of Object type I separated by comma> -p <property names separated by comma> racadm storage get <Object type I>:<FQDD's of Object type I separated by comma> racadm storage get <Object type II> --refkey <reference keys separated by comma> racadm storage get <Object type II> --refkey <reference keys separated by comma> -o racadm storage get <Object type II> --refkey <reference keys separated by comma> -o -p <property names separated by comma> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valid Options: Object type I : controllers, batteries, vdisks, pdisks, fans, emms, tempprobes ,psus, enclosures. Object type II : batteries, vdisks, pdisks, fans, emms, psus, tempprobes, enclosures. -current <optional>: Displays only the current Raid objects from storage.If -pen ding not mentioned it will consider as the default option -pending : Displays only the Pending Raid Objects from Storage. -o : Displays all the properties of the selected Key or Object. -p : Displays the property names with filter. FQDD's : Displays all the properties of the FQDD's Key. --refkey : Displays all the reference key of Object type. help : Displays each object type help. NOTE: Maximum Property names can be specified in -p option is = 10. NOTE: Maximum FQDD's or refkey can be specified is = 3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage Examples : racadm storage get controllers racadm storage get psus racadm storage get controllers -o racadm storage get controllers -o -current racadm storage get controllers -o -pending racadm storage get enclosures -o racadm storage get controllers -o -p name,status racadm storage get vdisks -o -p layout,status racadm storage get controllers:RAID.INTEGRATED.0 racadm storage get emms:EMM.Slot.0:ENCLOSURE.EXTERNAL.0-0:RAID.INTEGRATED .0 racadm storage get controllers:RAID.INTEGRATED.0 -p status racadm storage get emms:EMM.Slot.0:ENCLOSURE.EXTERNAL.0-0:RAID.INTEGRATED .0 -p status racadm storage get batteries --refkey RAID.INTEGRATED.0 racadm storage get pdisks --refkey ENCLOSURE.EXTERNAL.0-0:RAID.INTEGRATED.0 racadm storage get batteries --refkey RAID.INTEGRATED.0 -o -p status,state,name racadm storage get fans --refkey RAID.INTEGRATED.0 -o -p status,speed,name racadm常用子命令:


获取内存大小: racadm get BIOS.memSettings.SysMemSize

获取内存工作速率: racadm get BIOS.MemSettings.SysMemSpeed

获取内存类型: racadm get BIOS.MemSettings.SysMemType


获取物理磁盘:racadm storage get pdisks -o [ -p status,size,layout,state ]

获取虚拟磁盘信息:racadm storage get vdisks -o [ -p status,size,layout,state ]


错误提示状态:racadm get BIOS.MiscSettings.ErrPrompt

关闭错误提示: racadm set BIOS.MiscSettings.ErrPrompt Disabled

BIOS启动模式: racadm get BIOS.BiosBootSettings.BootMode(默认BIOS,另有UEFI)

系统启动顺序: racadm get BIOS.BiosBootSettings.BootSeq

更改系统启动顺序:racadm set BIOS.BiosBootSettings.BootSeq NIC.Integrated.1-1-1,HardDisk.List.1-1,Optical.SATAEmbedded.E-1

提交BIOS objects job:jobqueue create BIOS.Setup.1-1

获取sn: racadm get BIOS.SysInformation.SystemServiceTag

获取型号: racadm get BIOS.SysInformation. SystemModelName

获取bios版本: racadm get BIOS.SysInformation. SystemBiosVersion


获取网卡mac: racadm getsysinfo -s ( racadm nicstatistics | racadm racdump )

获取网卡3是否开启pxe:racadm get nic.NICConfig.3.LegacyBootProto

启用网卡pxe: racadm set nic.NICConfig.3.LegacyBootProto PXE

PXE配置应用生效: racadm jobqueue create NIC.Integrated.1-3-1

提交NIC objects job:racadm jobqueue create NIC.Integrated.1-1 -r pwrcycle -s TIME_NOW -e 20120501100000


获取物理磁盘: racadm storage get pdisks

获取虚拟磁盘信息: storage get vdisks -o [ -p status,size,layout,state ]


获取raid控制器: racadm storage get controllers

获取raid控制器属性name、status: racadm storage get controllers -o -p name,status

删除所有raid: racadm storage resetconfig:RAID.Integrated.1-1

提交storage作业: racadm jobqueue create RAID.Integrated.1-1 -s TIME_NOW -r none ( forced | pwrcycle | graceful) [ -—realtime ]

