Xubuntu 11.10下装Sublime Text

Sublime EditingRich selection of editing commands, including indenting / unindenting, paragraph reformatting, line joining and much moreMultiple selections: Simplify many tasks that used to require macros or regular expressionColumn selectRegular expression search and replaceIncremental find as you typePreserve case on replaceBookmarks: Makes navigating through long files a breezeSpell check as you typeBracket matchingCommenting and uncommenting blocks of textAsynchronous file loading, so you're never blocked when loading files off slow network drivesCustomizationFully customizable key bindings, menus and toolbarRich key binding language including sequenced key bindings, regular expression key matches, contextual bindings and parameterized bindingsPython plugins with a rich API



正是因为这个编辑器这么强大,马上到官网下载安装包使用了起来。网址,我下载的是linux 32bit。

Xubuntu 11.10下装Sublime Text

下载完之后是一个tar.bz2格式的文件,要用tar -xvjf命令进行解压,

Xubuntu 11.10下装Sublime Text


Xubuntu 11.10下装Sublime Text


Xubuntu 11.10下装Sublime Text

