CentOS Oprofile 安装过程的几个错误注意点
[日期:2012-01-10] 来源:Linux社区 作者:raintungli [字体:]
1. 确认oprofile 是否被编译进内核,是模块方式还是别的方式
cat /boot/config-2.6.18-128.el5 |grep OPROFILE
2. 配置中错误 ./configure
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linuxld.so checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediatechecking for ld... /usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64 checking for kernel OProfilesupport... no
configure: error: no suitably configured kernel includetree found
错误原因:没有kernel headers
a. ./configure –with-kernel-support
下面是configure 的几个参数
--with-binutils=dirPath to binutils installation to use
--with-binutils-libname Lib dir name under binutils installation; [lib]]
--with-gcc=dirPath to GCC installation to use
--with-kernel-support Use 2.6 kernel (no kernel source tree required)
--with-linux=dir Path to Linux source tree
--with-module-dir=dir Path to module installation directory
--with-java=java-home Path to Java home directory
--with-extra-includes=DIR add extra include paths
--with-extra-libs=DIR add extra library paths
--with-target=cell-be Check BFD support for Cell Broadband Engine SPU profiling
--with-x use the X Window System
--with-qt-dir where the root of Qt is installed
--with-qt-includes where the Qt includes are.
--with-qt-libraries where the Qt library is installed.
具体 细节 可以参考 :blog : 中安装kernel-devel 的包
3. 配置中错误
checking for libiberty.h... no
checking for cplus_demangle in -liberty... no
configure: error: liberty library not found
错误原因: 缺少 liberty 包
解决办法: 安装 binutils-devel包
yum install binutils-devel -y
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