
<?php /** * @author switch * @copyright 2015 * 从用户获取付款细节 */ //require_once语句和require语句完全相同,唯一区别是PHP会检查该文件是否已经被包含过,如果是则不会再次包含。 require_once('book_sc_fns.php'); session_start(); do_html_header("Checkout"); //创建变量 $name = $_POST['name']; $address = $_POST['address']; $city = $_POST['city']; $zip = $_POST['zip']; $country = $_POST['country']; //如果订单细节填满 if(($_SESSION['cart']) && ($name) && ($address) && ($city) && ($zip) && ($country)) { if(insert_order($_POST) != false) { display_cart($_SESSION['cart'],false,0); display_shipping(calculate_shipping_cost()); display_card_form($name); display_button("show_cart.php","continue-shopping","Continue Shopping"); } else { echo "<p>Could not store data, please try again.</p><hr/>"; display_button('checkout.php','back','Back'); } } else { echo "<p>You did not fill in all the fields, please try again.</p><hr/>"; display_button('checkout.php','back','Back'); } do_html_footer(); ?>

5.8 order_fns.php文件中的函数insert_order()

function insert_order($order_details) //提取订单细节作为变量 { extract($order_details); //设置邮寄地址为当前地址 if((!$ship_name) && (!$ship_address) && (!$ship_city) && (!$ship_state) && (!$ship_zip) &&(!$ship_country)) { $ship_name = $name; $ship_address = $address; $ship_city = $city; $ship_state = $state; $ship_zip = $zip; $ship_country = $country; } //连接数据库 $conn = db_connect(); //事务开始,必须关闭自动提交 $conn ->autocommit(false); $query = "select customrid from customers where name ='". $name ."' and address = '". $address ."' and city = '". $city ."' and state = '". $state ."' and zip = '". $zip ."' and country = '". $country ."'"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if(@$result ->num_rows > 0) { $customer = $result ->fetch_object(); $customerid = $customer ->customerid; } else { $query = "insert into customers values ('','". $name ."','". $address ."','". $city ."','". $state ."','". $zip ."','". $country ."')"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if(!$result) return false; } $customerid = $conn ->insert_id; //返回上次查询中自增量的ID $date = date("Y-m-d"); $query ="insert into orders values ('','". $customerid ."','". $_SESSION['total_price'] ."','". $date ."','PARTIAL','". $ship_name ."','". $ship_address ."','". $ship_city ."','". $ship_state ."','". $ship_zip ."','". $ship_country ."')"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if(!$result) return false; $query = "select orderid from orders where customerid ='". $customerid ."' and amount > (". $_SESSION['total_price'] ."-.001) and amount < (". $_SESSION['total_price'] ."+.001) and date ='". $date ."' and order_status = 'PARTIAL' and ship_name ='". $ship_name ."' and ship_address ='". $ship_address ."' and ship_city ='". $ship_city ."' and ship_state ='". $ship_state ."' and ship_zip ='". $ship_zip ."' and ship_country ='". $ship_country ."'"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if($result ->num_rows > 0) { $order = $result ->fetch_object(); $orderid = $order ->orderid; } else return false; foreach($_SESSION['cart'] as $isbn => $quantity) { $detail = get_book_details($isbn); $query = "delete from order_items where orderid = '". $orderid ."' and isbn = '". $isbn ."'"; $result = $conn ->query($query); $query = "insert into order_items values ('". $orderid ."','". $isbn ."',". $detail['price'] .",$quantity)"; $result = $conn ->query($query); if(!$result) return false; } //事务关闭,开启自动提交 $conn ->commit(); $conn ->autocommit(true); return $orderid; }

5.9 output_fns.php文件中的函数display_shipping()

