
P:  Vendor=xxxx ProdID=xxxx Rev=xx.xx
|   |           |           |__Product revision number
|   |           |__Product ID code
|   |__Vendor ID code
|__Device info tag #2

String descriptor info:

S:  Manufacturer=ssss
|   |__Manufacturer of this device as read from the device.
|      For USB host controller drivers (virtual root hubs) this may
|      be omitted, or (for newer drivers) will identify the kernel
|      version and the driver which provides this hub emulation.
|__String info tag

S:  Product=ssss
|   |__Product description of this device as read from the device.
|      For older USB host controller drivers (virtual root hubs) this
|      indicates the driver; for newer ones, it's a product (and vendor)
|      description that often comes from the kernel's PCI ID database.
|__String info tag

S:  SerialNumber=ssss
|   |__Serial Number of this device as read from the device.
|      For USB host controller drivers (virtual root hubs) this is
|      some unique ID, normally a bus ID (address or slot name) that
|      can't be shared with any other device.
|__String info tag

Configuration descriptor info:

C:* #Ifs=dd Cfg#=dd Atr=xx MPwr=dddmA
| | |       |       |      |__MaxPower in mA
| | |       |       |__Attributes
| | |       |__ConfiguratioNumber
| | |__NumberOfInterfaces
| |__ "*" indicates the active configuration (others are " ")
|__Config info tag

USB devices may have multiple configurations, each of which act
    rather differently.  For example, a bus-powered configuration
    might be much less capable than one that is self-powered.  Only
    one device configuration can be active at a time; most devices
    have only one configuration.

Each configuration consists of one or more interfaces.  Each
    interface serves a distinct "function", which is typically bound
    to a different USB device driver.  One common example is a USB
    speaker with an audio interface for playback, and a HID interface
    for use with software volume control.

Interface descriptor info (can be multiple per Config):

I:* If#=dd Alt=dd #EPs=dd Cls=xx(sssss) Sub=xx Prot=xx Driver=ssss
| | |      |      |       |             |      |       |__Driver name
| | |      |      |       |             |      |          or "(none)"
| | |      |      |       |             |      |__InterfaceProtocol
| | |      |      |       |             |__InterfaceSubClass
| | |      |      |       |__InterfaceClass
| | |      |      |__NumberOfEndpoints
| | |      |__AlternateSettingNumber
| | |__InterfaceNumber
| |__ "*" indicates the active altsetting (others are " ")
|__Interface info tag

