a) 安装VMware --- just do it.
b) 安装arm-elf-gcc toolset --- we can get it from:
c) 安装JLINK软件 --- just get it from SEGGER website.
d) 实现2440 gdb 启动脚本:
1) 参阅JLinkGDBServer文档,如下:
文件: UM08005_JLinkGDBServer.pdf 大小: 509KB
在 2011年LinuxIDC.com\3月\搭建GCC+JLINK开发调试环境(裸机调试)
2) 此gdb启动脚本的主要任务是初始化内存控制器,禁止WatchDog,禁止中断。
##main function defined for initial the S3C2440 CPU.
define reset_2440
monitor endian little ##little endian, should be the same as your application.
##copied from JLinkGDBServer Document.
monitor reset ##reset the S3C2440
monitor reg cpsr = 0xd3 ##setup cpsr register.
monitor speed auto ##Link Speed.
##translated from VIVI S3C2440 version.
#disable watchdog
monitor MemU32 0x53000000 = 0
#disalbe interrupt --- int-mask register
monitor MemU32 0x4A000008 = 0xFFFFFFFF
#disalbe interrupt --- int-sub-mask register
monitor MemU32 0x4A00001C = 0x7FFF ## vivi set it as 0x7FF, why???
#initialize system clocks --- locktime register
monitor long 0x4C000000 = 0xFF000000
#initialize system clocks --- clock-divn register
monitor long 0x4C000014 = 0x5 #CLKDVIN_400_148
#initialize system clocks --- mpll register
monitor long 0x4C000004 = 0x7f021 #default clock
#setup memory controller
monitor MemU32 0x48000000 = 0x22111110 #conw
monitor MemU32 0x48000004 = 0x00000700 #bank0
monitor MemU32 0x48000008 = 0x00000700 #bank1
monitor MemU32 0x4800000c = 0x00000700 #bank2
monitor MemU32 0x48000010 = 0x00000700 #bank3
monitor MemU32 0x48000014 = 0x00000700 #bank4
monitor MemU32 0x48000018 = 0x00000700 #bank5
monitor MemU32 0x4800001c = 0x00018009 #bank6
monitor MemU32 0x48000020 = 0x00018009 #bank7
monitor MemU32 0x48000024 = 0x008e04eb #vREFRESH
monitor MemU32 0x48000028 = 0xB2 #vBANKSIZE -- 128M/128M --- should
according to the physical
memory size? --- 0xB0 ??
monitor MemU32 0x4800002c = 0x30 #vMRSRB6
monitor MemU32 0x48000030 = 0x30 #vMRSRB7
##main function defined for connect to the TARGET.
##arg0 = IP address.
##arg1 = PORT number of JLINK gdb server.
define connect_jei
if $argc == 2
target remote $arg0:$arg1
3) 脚本做好以后,以下命令为怎样使用该脚本---假设该脚本名字为targets.cmd,编译出的程序文件为main.out