以前源码编译安装没碰到过这些问题,但前些天在源码编译安装的时候,问题来了,不错,还是学到不少。首先,在虚拟机上源码问题安装,一切ok,在物理机上安装,两台机器,一台是intel的集成显卡,于是进不了X window, googled a lot 原来这是一个bug,在 xen maillist发现有个团队专门在解决这个问题,xen在显卡方面还是有很多问题的,大概在2010年5月份也放出了几个patch, 我试了一下,有些文件能打成功,有些不行,最后直接yum install kernel-xen, 用CentOS自带的kernel-xen内核,使用自己编译的xen3.4.2, 搞定; 另一台机器,好吧,这些机器像是故意折腾我似的。。。装好后无显卡问题,但是网卡有问题,激活不了,googled and googled again, 最后啊。。。最后直接下载新的驱动,安装之,搞定。。。。。累就一个字。。。。
最常用的几个命令:lsmod, insmod ,modprobe ,dmesg ,lspci
07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5722 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express
于是去官方网站上下载了最新的tg3驱动: linux-3.110g.zip
不知为何Building Driver From TAR File没成功,于是Install the source RPM package:
Installation Notes
Broadcom tg3 Linux Driver
Version 3.110g
Broadcom Corporation
5300 California Avenue
Irvine, California 92617
Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Broadcom Corporation
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
Installing Source RPM Package
Building Driver From TAR File
Driver Settings
Driver Defaults
Unloading and Removing Driver
Driver Messages
This file describes the tg3 Linux driver for the Broadcom NetXtreme
10/100/1000 Mbps PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express Ethernet Network Controllers.
The latest driver is in the latest 2.6 Linux kernel. It can also be
downloaded from as a source package, but is
generally not necessary to do so if you are using the latest 2.6
upstream kernel from or one of the latest
vendor kernels from Red Hat, SUSE, or others.
The tg3 driver from the Broadcom package is almost identical to the
tg3 driver in the latest 2.6 upstream Linux kernel. It includes some
additional kernel compatible code to allow it to compile on older 2.6
and some 2.4 kernels. The version number is also similar but generally
has a one letter suffix at the end, (e.g. 3.55b) to distinguish it from
the in-kernel tg3 driver.
The next few sections on packaging, compiling, and installation apply
mostly to the Broadcom driver package only.
The current version of the driver has been tested on 2.4.x kernels starting
from 2.4.24 and all 2.6.x kernels. The driver may not compile on kernels
older than 2.4.24. Testing is concentrated on i386 and x86_64 architectures.
Only limited testing has been done on some other architectures such as
powerpc and sparc64.
Minor changes to some source files and Makefile may be needed on some
Forcing 1 Gigabit speed in a copper environment is not supported and may
result in connection issues with certain switches.
SLES 11 Considerations
Starting with SLES 11, all modules not compiled by Novell will refuse to load
through modprobe by default. Externally compiled modules can be loaded if the
"allow_unsupported_modules" flag is toggled in
/etc/modprobe.d/unsupported-modules, however this will render your kernel and
whole system unsupportable through Novell. Please refer to the SLES 11 release
notes for more details.
To replace an older previously installed or in-kernel tg3 driver, follow
the instructions below.