
[root@localhost gpg]# gpg –import 201.key
gpg: key BA56DDDA: public key “test201 (this is 201 key) <>” imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1
可以通过gpg -kv命令查看161机器上当前存放多少个别人的公共密钥:
[root@localhost gpg]# gpg -kv
pub 1024D/1C05EC6B 2007-01-15
uid Paolo (this test destination 213) <>
sub 1024g/A16A8685 2007-01-15
pub 1024D/BC3AA97D 2007-01-15
uid Wangqi (test to 161) <>
sub 1024g/33A9764D 2007-01-15
pub 1024D/BA56DDDA 2007-01-16
uid test201 (this is 201 key) <>
sub 768g/8F754496 2007-01-16
[root@localhost gpg]#

[root@localhost ~]# gpg -ea -r BA56DDDA install.log >>通过这个命令对install.log文件进行加密。
gpg: 8F754496: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
pub 768g/8F754496 2007-01-16 test201 (this is 201 key) <>
Primary key fingerprint: 98E8 0A56 9E16 F61B 379D 2F53 D5DF 4117 BA56 DDDA
Subkey fingerprint: DC76 48E6 70C0 CD36 F671 D2D3 AEC5 02A2 8F75 4496
It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named
in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,
you may answer the next question with yes.
Use this key anyway? (y/N) y
[root@localhost ~]# ls
-e 代表加密
-a 代表ASCII格式,如果不是通过电子邮件传输,可不加此参数
-r 后面是密钥的标识。可以使用多个-r参数,加多个标识,这样就可以把它发给多个需要该文件的人。

[root@fxvsystem gpg]# ls
201.key install.log.asc
[root@fxvsystem gpg]# gpg -o install.log -d install.log.asc >>这个命令进行解密,-o为输出到一个文件中,-d表示解密。
You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: “test201 (this is 201 key) <>”
768-bit ELG-E key, ID 8F754496, created 2007-01-16 (main key ID BA56DDDA)
gpg: encrypted with 768-bit ELG-E key, ID 8F754496, created 2007-01-16
“test201 (this is 201 key) <>”
[root@fxvsystem gpg]# ls
201.key install.log install.log.asc
[root@fxvsystem gpg]#

