以上就是GG 的安装,在source 和target database 都执行。
二.配置Source databaseGoldenGate通过抓取源端数据库重做日志进行分析,将获取的数据应用到目标端,实现数据同步。因此,源数据库需要必须处于归档模式,并启用附加日志和强制日志。
2.1 归档模式、附加日志、强制日志--查看
SQL> select log_mode,supplemental_log_data_min,force_logging from v$database;
------------ -------- ---
SQL>shutdown immediate
SQL>startup mount
SQL>alter database archivelog;
SQL>alter database open;
(2) force logging
SQL>alterdatabase force logging;
(3)supplemental log data
SQL>alterdatabase add supplemental log data;
2.2 Oracle 9i的_LOG_PARALLELISM参数如果是Oracle 9i的数据库,还需要将_LOG_PARALLELISM 参数设置为1. 因为GG 不支持该值超过1.
If using OracleGoldenGate for an Oracle 9i source database, set the _LOG_PARALLELISMparameter to 1. Oracle GoldenGate does not support values higher than 1.
2.3 启用DDL 支持GG虽然支持DDL,但是也是有限制的,GG 支持DDL 也是通过创建一些table 来保存这些DDL 的信息,关于这些table 的具体说明,在如下链接的第二小节:启用GG 对DDL 操作的支持有详细说明:
对于这些存放DDL 信息表的管理的理论支持,参考如下链接的第四小结:Managing theOracle DDL replication environment。
2.3.1 禁用Recycle Bin如果启用DDL 支持,必须关闭recycle bin。官网的解释如下:
If the recyclebin is enabled, the Oracle GoldenGate DDL trigger session receives implicitrecycle bin DDL operations that cause the trigger to fail.
Oracle 11g:
SQL> alter system set recyclebin=offscope=spfile;
System altered.
如果数据库是10g,需要关闭recyclebin并重启;或者手工purge recyclebin。
2.3.2 创建存放DDL 信息的user并赋权SQL> create user ggate identified by ggate default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
User created.
SQL> grant connect,resource to ggate;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant execute on utl_file to ggate;
Grant succeeded.
退出所有使用Oracle 的session,然后使用SYSDBA权限的用户执行如下脚本:
gg1:/u01/ggate> echo $GGATE
gg1:/home/oracle> cd $GGATE
gg1:/u01/ggate> sqlplus / as sysdba;
SQL*Plus: Release Production onTue Nov 8 19:41:58 2011
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Oracle Database 11g Enterprise EditionRelease - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Miningand Real Application Testing options
SQL> @marker_setup.sql;
Marker setup script
You will be prompted for the name of aschema for the GoldenGate database objects.
NOTE: The schema must be created prior torunning this script.
NOTE: Stop all DDL replication beforestarting this installation.
Enter GoldenGate schema name:ggate
Marker setup table script complete, runningverification script...
Please enter the name of a schema for theGoldenGate database objects:
Setting schema name to GGATE
Script complete.
SQL> @ddl_setup.sql;
GoldenGate DDL Replication setup script
Verifying that current user has privilegesto install DDL Replication...
You will be prompted for the name of aschema for the GoldenGate database objects.