
--quiet             don't print OK for each successfully verified file 被查证的文件如果成功,不打印OK(即仅仅显示错误信息,屏蔽验证正确的文件

--status            don't output anything, status code shows success 不输入任何东西,状态码显示success (即无论正确与否,都不输出任何信息,echo $?看最后结果

-w, --warn        warn about improperly formatted checksum lines 关于非合法的格式的checksum行,抛出warning,如此之外,不予显示

--help     display this help and exit

--version  output version information and exit

The sums are computed as described in RFC 1321.  When checking, the input

should be a former output of this program.  当检查时,输入的应该是之前程序的输出。

The default mode is to print a line with checksum, a character indicating type a character indi-cating type (‘*’ for binary, ‘ ’ for text), and name for each FILE.

默认的mode和checksum合并为一行打印,一个字符指出mode的类型(* 为二进制,空为text),每个FILE为name

Report md5sum bugs to bug-coreutils@gnu.org

GNU coreutils home page: <>

General help using GNU software: <>

For complete documentation, run: info coreutils 'md5sum invocation'


$ openssl dgst -md5  test.enc

MD5(test.enc)= 9a8ca202880547463da5796c6d29f611

$ md5sum test.enc

9a8ca202880547463da5796c6d29f611  test.enc

