基于Ubuntu 9.04的Linux发行版MoonOS 3海量图赏(2)

基于Ubuntu 9.04的Linux发行版MoonOS 3海量图赏

基于Ubuntu 9.04的Linux发行版MoonOS 3图赏/3 桌面

基于Ubuntu 9.04的Linux发行版MoonOS 3海量图赏

基于Ubuntu 9.04的Linux发行版MoonOS 3图赏/4


Linux Kernel 2.6.28
Xorg 7.4
Firefox 3.5.2 ,包含Moonlight插件
Openoffice.org 3.1.1
Pidgin 2.6.1
用EOG(Eye Of GNOME)代替GPicview(图片查看器)

There have been a lot of different remastered versions of Ubuntu created over the years. Occasionally though I find one that stands out from the pack and that offers an entirely unique experience. moonOS 3 is a remaster created in Cambodia by a Cambodian artist called Chanrithy Thim.

There are two versions of moonOS, the Main Edition and the LXDE Edition. The Main Edition uses Enlightenment DR17 and the LXDE Edition uses LXDE. The LXDE version is geared toward older, less powerful computers. For this review I downloaded the Main Edition.

moonOS 3 has one of the…er…most unique mottos I’ve seen. It’s motto is “Light of Free Operating System.” Hmmm…I’m not exactly sure what to think of it but it sort of fits in with the beauty of moonOS. Anyway, it sounds cool so I’ll go with it.

What’s New In This Release
Here’s a list of the new stuff in this release of moonOS:

Based on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope
Linux Kernel 2.6.28-15
Firefox 3.5
Pidgin 2.6
Xorg 7.4
Security Updates
moonControl Improvements (new interface, change font sizes)
moonGrub Improvements (new interface, new theme creation feature)
moonSoftware (browse offline, view screenshots, sort by various criteria)
EFL Keys Added (Virtual Keyboard)
Firefox Comes With Moonlight Plugin and Silverlight Support
OpenOffice.org 3.1.1
XMPP Video and Voice for Pidgin
Enlightenment 0.16.999.60

