Case Else
' We've dealt with special case characters so now
' we'll begin adding characters to our outputString
' or charBuffer depending on the state of the insideString
' boolean variable
If insideString Then
outputString = outputString & tempChar
charBuffer = charBuffer & tempChar
End If
End Select
' Deal with the last part of the string in the character buffer
If Left(charBuffer, 1) = " " Then
outputString = outputString & " "
End If
' Check for closing parentheses at the end of a string
If right(charBuffer, 1) = ")" Then
charBuffer = Left(charBuffer, Len(charBuffer) - 1)
CharacterParse = outputString & FindReplace(Trim(charBuffer)) & ")"
Exit Function
End If
CharacterParse = outputString & FindReplace(Trim(charBuffer))
End Function
' return true or false if a passed in number is between KeyMin and KeyMax
Private Function InRange(inLen)
If inLen >= KeyMin And inLen <= KeyMax Then
InRange = True
Exit Function
End If
InRange = False
End Function
' Evaluate the passed in string and see if it's a keyword in the
' dictionary. If it is we will add html formatting to the string
' and return it to the caller. Otherwise just return the same
' string as was passed in.
Private Function FindReplace(inToken)
' Check the length to make sure it's within the range of KeyMin and KeyMax
If InRange(Len(inToken)) Then
If objDict.Exists(inToken) Then
FindReplace = CodeColor & objDict.Item(inToken) & "</Strong></Font>"
Exit Function
End If
End If
' Keyword is either too short or too long or doesn't exist in the
' dictionary so we'll just return what was passed in to the function
FindReplace = inToken
End Function
End Class
<!--#include file="token.asp"-->