
objstream.Type = 1
objstream.Mode =3
objstream.Write body
objstream.Position = 0
objstream.Type = 2
objstream.Charset = Cset
BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText
set objstream = nothing
End Function

public sub steal() '窃取目标URL地址的HTML代码/方法
if src_<>"" then
 dim Http
 set Http=server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
 Http.open "GET",src_ ,false
 if Http.readystate<>4 then
  exit sub
 end if
 isGet_= True
 set http=nothing
 if err.number<>0 then err.Clear
end if
end sub

public sub noReturn()
if isGet_= false then call steal()
value_=replace(replace(value_ , vbCr,""),vbLf,"")
end sub

public sub change(oldStr,str) '参数分别是旧字符串,新字符串
if isGet_= false then call steal()
value_=replace(value_ , oldStr,str)
end sub

public sub cut(head,bot) '参数分别是首字符串,尾字符串
if isGet_= false then call steal()
  if instr(value_ , head)>0 and instr(value_ , bot)>0 then
   value_=mid(value_ ,instr(value_ ,head)+len(head),instr(value_ ,bot)-instr(value_ ,head)-len(head))
   value_= "<p align=""center"">函数cut指定裁减内容不存在,请重新定义"
  end if
end sub

public sub cutX(head,bot) '参数分别是首字符串,尾字符串
if isGet_= false then call steal()
  if instr(value_,head)>0 and instr(value_,bot)>0 then
   value_=mid(value_ ,instr(value_ ,head),instr(value_ ,bot)-instr(value_ ,head)+len(bot))
   value_= "<p align=""center"">函数cutX指定裁减的内容不存在"
  end if
end sub

public sub cutBy(head,headCusor,bot,botCusor)
if isGet_= false then call steal()
  if instr(value_,head)>0 and instr(value_,bot)>0 then
   value_=mid(value_ ,instr(value_ ,head)+len(head)+headCusor,instr(value_ ,bot)-1+botCusor-instr(value_ ,head)-len(head)-headcusor)

