Ganglia 和 Nagios,第 2 部分: 使用 Nagios 监视企业集(3)

在机器上安装 Nagios 的方法可以从 Internet 查询。因为我经常需要在不同的环境中安装,所以为此编写了一个脚本。

首先需要 下载两个包

Nagios(测试了 3.0.6 版本) Nagios-plugins(测试了 1.4.13 版本)


Nagios Event Log,可以监视 Windows 事件日志 NRPE,提供了许多 Ganglia 功能

获取源代码并放在目录中。为了演示,我在 /tmp 中放置了三个文件:

nagios-3.0.6.tar.gz nagios-plugins-1.4.13.tar.gz

清单 1 展示了 安装脚本:

清单 1. 脚本
#!/bin/ksh NAGIOSSRC=nagios-3.0.6 NAGIOSPLUGINSRC=nagios-plugins-1.4.13 NAGIOSCONTACTSCFG=/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg NAGIOSPASSWD=/usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users PASSWD=cluster OS=foo function buildNagiosPlug { if [ -e $NAGIOSPLUGINSRC.tar.gz ] then echo "found $NAGIOSPLUGINSRC.tar.gz building and installing Nagios" else echo "could not find $NAGIOSPLUGINSRC.tar.gz in current directory." echo "Please run $0 in the same directory as the source files." exit 1 fi echo "Extracting Nagios Plugins..." tar zxf $NAGIOSPLUGINSRC.tar.gz cd $NAGIOSPLUGINSRC echo "Configuring Nagios Plugins..." if ./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios -prefix=/usr/local/nagios > config.LOG.$$ 2>&1 then echo "Making Nagios Plugins..." if make -j8 > make.LOG.$$ 2>&1 then make install > make.LOG.$$ 2>&1 else echo "Make failed of Nagios plugins. See $NAGIOSPLUGINSRC/make.LOG.$$" exit 1 fi else echo "configure of Nagios plugins failed. See config.LOG.$$" exit 1 fi echo "Successfully built and installed Nagios Plugins!" cd .. } function buildNagios { if [ -e $NAGIOSSRC.tar.gz ] then echo "found $NAGIOSSRC.tar.gz building and installing Nagios" else echo "could not find $NAGIOSSRC.tar.gz in current directory." echo "Please run $0 in the same directory as the source files." exit 1 fi echo "Extracting Nagios..." tar zxf $NAGIOSSRC.tar.gz cd $NAGIOSSRC echo "Configuring Nagios..." if ./configure --with-command-group=nagcmd > config.LOG.$$ 2>&1 then echo "Making Nagios..." if make all -j8 > make.LOG.$$ 2>&1 then make install > make.LOG.$$ 2>&1 make install-init > make.LOG.$$ 2>&1 make install-config > make.LOG.$$ 2>&1 make install-commandmode > make.LOG.$$ 2>&1 make install-webconf > make.LOG.$$ 2>&1 else echo "make all failed. See log:" echo "$NAGIOSSRC/make.LOG.$$" exit 1 fi else echo "configure of Nagios failed. Please read $NAGIOSSRC/config.LOG.$$ for details." exit 1 fi echo "Done Making Nagios!" cd .. } function configNagios { echo "We'll now configure Nagios." LOOP=1 while [[ $LOOP -eq 1 ]] do echo "You'll need to put in a user name. This should be the person" echo "who will be receiving alerts. This person should have an account" echo "on this server. " print "Type in the userid of the person who will receive alerts (e.g. bob)> \c" read NAME print "What is ${NAME}'s email?> \c" read EMAIL echo echo echo "Nagios alerts will be sent to $NAME at $EMAIL" print "Is this correct? [y/N] \c" read YN if [[ "$YN" = "y" ]] then LOOP=0 fi done if [ -r $NAGIOSCONTACTSCFG ] then perl -pi -e "s/nagiosadmin/$NAME/g" $NAGIOSCONTACTSCFG EMAIL=$(echo $EMAIL | sed s/\@/\\\\@/g) perl -pi -e "s/nagios\@localhost/$EMAIL/g" $NAGIOSCONTACTSCFG else echo "$NAGIOSCONTACTSCFG does not exist" exit 1 fi echo "setting ${NAME}'s password to be 'cluster' in Nagios" echo " you can change this later by running: " echo " htpasswd -c $NAGIOSPASSWD $Name)'" htpasswd -bc $NAGIOSPASSWD $NAME cluster if [ "$OS" = "rh" ] then service httpd restart fi } function preNagios { if [ "$OS" = "rh" ] then echo "making sure prereqs are installed" yum -y install httpd gcc glibc glibc-common gd gd-devel perl-TimeDate /usr/sbin/useradd -m nagios echo $PASSWD | passwd --stdin nagios /usr/sbin/groupadd nagcmd /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G nagcmd nagios /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G nagcmd apache fi } function postNagios { if [ "$OS" = "rh" ] then chkconfig --add nagios chkconfig nagios on # touch this file so that if it doesn't exist we won't get errors touch /var/www/html/index.html service nagios start fi echo "You may now be able to access Nagios at the URL below:" echo "http://localhost/nagios" } if [ -e /etc/RedHat-release ] then echo "installing monitoring on Red Hat system" OS=rh fi # make sure you're root: ID=$(id -u) if [ "$ID" != "0" ] then echo "Must run this as root!" exit fi preNagios buildNagios buildNagiosPlug configNagios postNagios  

运行脚本 ./

该代码在 Red Hat 系统上能正常运行,如果您安装了本系列 Ganglia 和 Nagios,第 1 部分:用 Ganglia 监视企业集群 中提到的所有依赖关系,那么应该也能正常运行。运行 时,提示 Nagios 应该发送警告的用户。稍后可以添加其他用户。大部分组织都有一个邮件别名以组的形式发送邮件。

如果安装时出现问题,可以查看 Nagios 网页并将其添加到邮件列表。以我的经验看来,像 Nagios 和 Ganglia 这样成功的大部分包都很容易安装。


