1 说明
2 流程设计
3 代码
3.1 服务端代码
class MiaoSha{ const MSG_REPEAT_USER = '请勿重复参与'; const MSG_EMPTY_STOCK = '库存不足'; const MSG_KEY_NOT_EXIST = 'key不存在'; const IP_POOL = 'ip_pool'; const USER_POOL = 'user_pool'; /** @var Redis */ public $redis; public $key; public function __construct($key = '') { $this->checkKey($key); $this->redis = new Redis(); //todo 连接池 $this->redis->connect(''); } public function checkKey($key = '') { if(!$key) { throw new Exception(self::MSG_KEY_NOT_EXIST); } else { $this->key = $key; } } public function setStock($value = 0) { if($this->redis->exists($this->key) == 0) { $this->redis->set($this->key,$value); } } public function checkIp($ip = 0) { $sKey = $this->key . self::IP_POOL; if(!$ip || $this->redis->sIsMember($sKey,$ip)) { throw new Exception(self::MSG_REPEAT_USER); } } public function checkUser($user = 0) { $sKey = $this->key . self::USER_POOL; if(!$user || $this->redis->sIsMember($sKey,$user)) { throw new Exception(self::MSG_REPEAT_USER); } } public function checkStock($user = 0, $ip = 0) { $num = $this->redis->decr($this->key); if($num < 0 ) { throw new Exception(self::MSG_EMPTY_STOCK); } else { $this->redis->sAdd($this->key . self::USER_POOL, $user); $this->redis->sAdd($this->key . self::IP_POOL, $ip); //todo add to mysql echo 'success' . PHP_EOL; error_log('success' . $user . PHP_EOL,3,'/var/www/html/demo/log/debug.log'); } } /** * @note:此种做法不能防止并发 * @func checkStockFail * @param int $user * @param int $ip * @throws Exception */ public function checkStockFail($user = 0,$ip = 0) { $num = $this->redis->get($this->key); if($num > 0 ){ $this->redis->sAdd($this->key . self::USER_POOL, $user); $this->redis->sAdd($this->key . self::IP_POOL, $ip); //todo add to mysql echo 'success' . PHP_EOL; error_log('success' . $user . PHP_EOL,3,'/var/www/html/demo/log/debug.log'); $num--; $this->redis->set($this->key,$num); } else { throw new Exception(self::MSG_EMPTY_STOCK); } } }