
[root@linux named]# vi linuxidc.com.zone

$TTL    86400

@   IN      SOA         @              root (

20110308        ; serial (d. adams)

3H              ; refresh

15M             ; retry

1W              ; expiry

1D )            ; minimum

linuxidc.com.           IN      NS              linux.linuxidc.com.

linux.linuxidc.com.    IN      A     

linuxidc.com.           IN      MX      10      linux.linuxidc.com.

mail                    IN      CNAME           linux.linuxidc.com.


[root@linux named]# cp linuxidc.com.zone 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa.zone

[root@linux named]# vi 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa.zone


[root@linux named]# vi 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa.zone

$TTL    86400

@       IN      SOA     @          root (

20110308        ; serial (d. adams)

3H              ; refresh

15M             ; retry

1W              ; expiry

1D )            ; minimum

@       IN      NS              linux.linuxidc.com.

@       IN      MX      10      linux.linuxidc.com.

25      IN      PTR             linux.linuxidc.com.

25      IN      PTR             mail.linuxidc.com.


[root@linux ~]# chkconfig named on

[root@linux ~]# chkconfig network on

[root@linux ~]# chkconfig named --level 35 on

[root@linux ~]# chkconfig network --level 35 on

[root@linux ~]# service sendmail stop

[root@linux ~]# chkconfig sendmail off

[root@linux ~]# chkconfig sendmail --level 35 off

进入linux软件包的目录,解压linux tgz包:

[root@linux Desktop]# tar zxvf linux-6.0.10_GA_2692.RHEL5_64.20101215170845.tgz


[root@linux Desktop]# mv linux-6.0.10_GA_2692.RHEL5_64.20101215170845 linux

CentOS-5.5-64bit上安装linux For RHEL5的软件包,需要加参数--platform-override:

[root@linux linux]# ./install.sh --platform-override

Operations logged to /tmp/install.log.3602

Checking for existing installation...

zimbra-ldap...NOT FOUND

zimbra-logger...NOT FOUND


Do you agree with the terms of the software license agreement? [N] y

Checking for prerequisites...


Found zimbra-memcached

Found zimbra-proxy

Select the packages to install


Install zimbra-ldap [Y]


Install zimbra-proxy [N]

Checking required space for zimbra-core

options may be limited if you choose to continue.

Install anyway? [N] y

The system will be modified.  Continue? [N] yes

Removing /opt/zimbra  ...

It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS

Change domain name?[Yes] yes


Checking for port conflicts

Main menu

1) Common Configuration:                                                 

2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled                     


7) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled                      

8) Default Class of Service Configuration:                              

r) Start servers after configuration        yes                         

