
1 private int[] attribute; //节点的名称属性 2 private int[] childCount; //对该节点的有多少个孩子节点进行计数 3 private int[][] nodeChildren; //二维数组,记录每一个节点的孩子节点 4 private long[] nodeCount; //当前节点的支持度计数 5 private int nodes; 6 private boolean representedAsList; //true表示以List形式展现,false表示以树的形式展现 7 private List<Pair<IntArrayList,Long>> transactionSet; 8 9 public int addPattern(IntArrayList myList, long addCount) { 10 int temp = ROOTNODEID; 11 int ret = 0; 12 boolean addCountMode = true; 13 for (int idx = 0; idx < myList.size(); idx++) { 14 int attributeValue = myList.get(idx); 15 int child; 16 if (addCountMode) { 17 child = childWithAttribute(temp, attributeValue); 18 if (child == -1) { 19 addCountMode = false; 20 } else { 21 addCount(child, addCount); 22 temp = child; 23 } 24 } 25 if (!addCountMode) { 26 child = createNode(temp, attributeValue, addCount); 27 temp = child; 28 ret++; 29 } 30 } 31 return ret; 32 }

  generateTopKFrequentPatterns方法的形参有transactionStream,frequencyList,minSupport,k,Collection<A> returnableFeatures,OutputCollector<A, List<Pair<List<A>, Long>>> output,Statusupdater updater。其中,transactionStream是根据当前key=groupID所对应的Pair<List<A>, Long>类型的values建立的cTree,这里Pair的第一项是位置序号,第二项是1;frequencyList是ParallelFPGrowthReducer中的localFList,其第一项是位置序号,第二项是支持度;Collection<A> returnableFeatures是当前key=group-id所包含的位置序号集合。

  attributeIdMapping过滤了transactionStream中的非频繁项,并为频繁项分配新id,将其映射成<key=位置序号, value=id>。reverseMapping倒置了attributeIdMapping的映射关系。attributeFrequentcy记录了索引为id的项的支持度。对于returnableFeatures中的位置序号进行遍历,过滤非频繁项,returnFeatures记录了剩余的频繁项。之后调用generateTopKFrequentPatterns方法来构建本地的FP-tree和头表(Header-Table),并遍历FP-tree来输出频繁项。参考资料[1]详细分析了这一过程,这里不作进一步分析,需要注意到是在Mahout中FP-tree是以数组的形式存储。

1 /** 2 * Generate Top K Frequent Patterns for every feature in returnableFeatures 3 * given a stream of transactions and the minimum support 4 * 5 * @param transactionStream 6 * Iterator of transaction 7 * @param frequencyList 8 * list of frequent features and their support value 9 * @param minSupport 10 * minimum support of the transactions 11 * @param k 12 * Number of top frequent patterns to keep 13 * @param returnableFeatures 14 * set of features for which the frequent patterns are mined. If the 15 * set is empty or null, then top K patterns for every frequent item (an item 16 * whose support> minSupport) is generated 17 * @param output 18 * The output collector to which the the generated patterns are 19 * written 20 * @throws IOException 21 */ 22 public final void generateTopKFrequentPatterns(Iterator<Pair<List<A>,Long>> transactionStream, 23 Collection<Pair<A, Long>> frequencyList, 24 long minSupport, 25 int k, 26 Collection<A> returnableFeatures, 27 OutputCollector<A,List<Pair<List<A>,Long>>> output, 28 StatusUpdater updater) throws IOException { 29 30 Map<Integer,A> reverseMapping = Maps.newHashMap(); 31 Map<A,Integer> attributeIdMapping = Maps.newHashMap(); 32 33 int id = 0; 34 for (Pair<A,Long> feature : frequencyList) { 35 A attrib = feature.getFirst(); 36 Long frequency = feature.getSecond(); 37 if (frequency >= minSupport) { 38 attributeIdMapping.put(attrib, id); 39 reverseMapping.put(id++, attrib); 40 } 41 } 42 43 long[] attributeFrequency = new long[attributeIdMapping.size()]; 44 for (Pair<A,Long> feature : frequencyList) { 45 A attrib = feature.getFirst(); 46 Long frequency = feature.getSecond(); 47 if (frequency < minSupport) { 48 break; 49 } 50 attributeFrequency[attributeIdMapping.get(attrib)] = frequency; 51 } 52 53"Number of unique items {}", frequencyList.size()); 54 55 Collection<Integer> returnFeatures = Sets.newHashSet(); 56 if (returnableFeatures != null && !returnableFeatures.isEmpty()) { 57 for (A attrib : returnableFeatures) { 58 if (attributeIdMapping.containsKey(attrib)) { 59 returnFeatures.add(attributeIdMapping.get(attrib)); 60"Adding Pattern {}=>{}", attrib, attributeIdMapping 61 .get(attrib)); 62 } 63 } 64 } else { 65 for (int j = 0; j < attributeIdMapping.size(); j++) { 66 returnFeatures.add(j); 67 } 68 } 69 70"Number of unique pruned items {}", attributeIdMapping.size()); 71 generateTopKFrequentPatterns(new TransactionIterator<A>(transactionStream, 72 attributeIdMapping), attributeFrequency, minSupport, k, reverseMapping 73 .size(), returnFeatures, new TopKPatternsOutputConverter<A>(output, 74 reverseMapping), updater); 75 76 } 

