
<?php // put these function somewhere in your application function db_get_template ($tpl_name, &$tpl_source, &$smarty_obj) { // do database call here to fetch your template, // populating $tpl_source $sql = new SQL; $sql->query("select tpl_source from my_table where tpl_name='$tpl_name'"); if ($sql->num_rows) { $tpl_source = $sql->record['tpl_source']; return true; } else { return false; } } function db_get_timestamp($tpl_name, &$tpl_timestamp, &$smarty_obj) { // do database call here to populate $tpl_timestamp. $sql = new SQL; $sql->query("select tpl_timestamp from my_table where tpl_name='$tpl_name'"); if ($sql->num_rows) { $tpl_timestamp = $sql->record['tpl_timestamp']; return true; } else { return false; } } function db_get_secure($tpl_name, &$smarty_obj) { // assume all templates are secure return true; } function db_get_trusted($tpl_name, &$smarty_obj) { // not used for templates } // register the resource name "db" $smarty->register_resource("db", array("db_get_template", "db_get_timestamp", "db_get_secure", "db_get_trusted")); // using resource from php script $smarty->display("db:index.tpl"); ?>

