Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.5安装SVN+Apache服务(2)


在 /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin 目录下执行 Configure-CollabNet-Subversion ,一步一步按照提示操作即可顺利完成简单的服务配置。

[root@localhost]# ./Configure-CollabNet-Subversion

CollabNet Subversion Server is a free download of open-source Subversion,
  compiled and tested by CollabNet. For more information about CollabNet

  Subversion, visit the CollabNet community at

  Would you like to configure the CollabNet Subversion Server now? [yes] (直接回车)

  Welcome to CollabNet Subversion Server setup.

  You will now be asked some questions to configure CollabNet Subversion.

  Defaults are given in square brackets. If a default is okay for you

  Just hit [Enter] to continue.

  This setup can configure either Apache or svnserve as Subversion

  server, for you. Would you like to configure Apache as your

  Subversion server now? [yes] (直接回车)

  Continuing with apache Subversion server configuration ...

  Specify the base directory for Subversion repositories: [/var/svn/repositories] /opt/SVNRepositories (这里我更改了SVN仓库存储路径,不使用默认的路径。)

  Non-existing base path, Let me create and continue [yes] (直接回车)

  Base path created.

  Would you like to create a new Subversion repository? [yes] (直接回车)

  What should be your new Subversion repository name? DEOM (这里建立一个名为 DEMO 的测试用库)

  New repository created.

  Would you like to initialize the repository with trunk/branches/tags folders? [no] (直接回车)


  Would you like to create another Subversion repository? [yes] (直接回车)

  What should be your new Subversion repository name? svntest (这里再建立一个名为 svntest 的库)

  New repository created.

  Would you like to initialize the repository with trunk/branches/tags folders? [no](直接回车)(暂时不导入初始数据)


  Would you like to create another Subversion repository? [yes] no (已经建立了2个测试用库,就不再建了。)

  Would you like to give the name and port that the server uses to identify itself? [yes]

  Registered DNS name or IP address: (这里IP是指 apache 的服务“IP”配置。)

  Server port number: 18080 (apache的服务端口号)

  Allow anonymous read access? [no] (直接回车)

  0 users currently have access to this repository:

  Would you like to create a new Subversion account? [yes] (直接回车)

  Account username

  (To re-create or delete a Subversion account, enter an existing username): svnadmin (建立一个SVN帐号)

  Account password: (密码)

  Retype account password: (重复密码)

  Adding password for user svnadmin

  Account created

  Would you like to create another user account? [yes] no (暂时不需要再建另一用户了)

  Would you like to configure ViewVC? [yes] (是否启用VierVC,直接回车)

  Stopping CollabNet Subversion: httpd (no pid file) not running


  Starting CollabNet Subversion: done


  Congratulations! You have successfully configured the CollabNet

  Subversion server.

  You can access your repositories at the following URL:



