



<script type="text/Javascript">

function copy(){


alert("The text is on the clipboard, try to paste it!");





<script type="text/javascript">

function CopyToClipboard () {

var input = document.getElementById ("toClipboard");

var textToClipboard = input.value;

var success = true;

if (window.clipboardData) { // Internet Explorer

window.clipboardData.setData ("Text", textToClipboard);


else {

// create a temporary element for the execCommand method

var forExecElement = CreateElementForExecCommand (textToClipboard);

/* Select the contents of the element

(the execCommand for 'copy' method works on the selection) */

SelectContent (forExecElement);

var supported = true;

// UniversalXPConnect privilege is required for clipboard access in Firefox

try {

if (window.netscape && netscape.security) {

netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege ("UniversalXPConnect");


// Copy the selected content to the clipboard

// Works in Firefox and in Safari before version 5

success = document.execCommand ("copy", false, null);


catch (e) {

success = false;


// remove the temporary element

document.body.removeChild (forExecElement);


if (success) {

alert ("The text is on the clipboard, try to paste it!");


else {

alert ("Your browser doesn't allow clipboard access!");



function CreateElementForExecCommand (textToClipboard) {

var forExecElement = document.createElement ("div");

// place outside the visible area

forExecElement.style.position = "absolute";

forExecElement.style.left = "-10000px";

forExecElement.style.top = "-10000px";

// write the necessary text into the element and append to the document

forExecElement.textContent = textToClipboard;

document.body.appendChild (forExecElement);

// the contentEditable mode is necessary for the  execCommand method in Firefox

forExecElement.contentEditable = true;

return forExecElement;


function SelectContent (element) {

// first create a range

var rangeToSelect = document.createRange ();

rangeToSelect.selectNodeContents (element);

// select the contents

var selection = window.getSelection ();

selection.removeAllRanges ();

selection.addRange (rangeToSelect);





<input value="text to clipboard"/>

<button>Copy text to clipboard</button>





Zero Clipboard 的实现原理

Zero Clipboard 利用 Flash 进行复制,之前有 Clipboard Copy 解决方案,其利用的是一个隐藏的 Flash。但最新的 Flash Player 10 只允许在 Flash 上进行操作才能启动剪贴板。所以 Zero Clipboard 对此进行了改进,用了一个透明的 Flash ,让其漂浮在按钮之上,这样其实点击的不是按钮而是 Flash ,也就可以使用 Flash 的复制功能了。







如何使用 Zero Clipboard


git clone https://github.com/chenpingzhao/easycopy.git


var ZeroClipboard = {

version: "1.0.7",

clients: {},

moviePath: "zeroclipboard.swf",

nextId: 1,

$: function(A) {

if (typeof(A) == "string") {

A = document.getElementById(A)


if (!A.addClass) {

A.hide = function() {

this.style.display = "none"


A.show = function() {

this.style.display = ""


A.addClass = function(B) {


this.className += " " + B


A.removeClass = function(D) {

var E = this.className.split(/\s+/);

var B = -1;

for (var C = 0; C < E.length; C++) {

if (E[C] == D) {

B = C;

C = E.length



if (B > -1) {

E.splice(B, 1);

this.className = E.join(" ")


return this


A.hasClass = function(B) {

return !!this.className.match(new RegExp("\\s*" + B + "\\s*"))



return A


setMoviePath: function(A) {

this.moviePath = A


dispatch: function(D, B, C) {

var A = this.clients[D];

if (A) {

A.receiveEvent(B, C)



register: function(B, A) {

this.clients[B] = A


getDOMObjectPosition: function(C, A) {

var B = {

left: 0,

top: 0,

width: C.width ? C.width : C.offsetWidth,

height: C.height ? C.height : C.offsetHeight


while (C && (C != A)) {

B.left += C.offsetLeft;

B.top += C.offsetTop;

C = C.offsetParent


return B


Client: function(A) {

this.handlers = {};

this.id = ZeroClipboard.nextId++;

this.movieId = "ZeroClipboardMovie_" + this.id;

ZeroClipboard.register(this.id, this);

if (A) {





ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype = {

id: 0,

ready: false,

movie: null,

clipText: "",

handCursorEnabled: true,

cssEffects: true,

handlers: null,


glue: function(D, B, E) {

this.domElement = ZeroClipboard.$(D);

var F = 99;

if (this.domElement.style.zIndex) {

F = parseInt(this.domElement.style.zIndex, 10) + 1


if (typeof(B) == "string") {

B = ZeroClipboard.$(B)

} else {

if (typeof(B) == "undefined") {

B = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]



var C = ZeroClipboard.getDOMObjectPosition(this.domElement, B);

this.div = document.createElement("div");

var A = this.div.style;

A.position = "absolute";

A.left = "" + C.left + "px";

A.top = "" + C.top + "px";

A.width = "" + C.width + "px";

A.height = "" + C.height + "px";

A.zIndex = F;

if (typeof(E) == "object") {

for (addedStyle in E) {

A[addedStyle] = E[addedStyle]




this.div.innerHTML = this.getHTML(C.width, C.height)


/*IE 的 Flash JavaScript 通信接口上有一个 bug 。

你必须插入一个 object 标签到一个已存在的 DOM 元素中。并且在写入 innerHTML 之前请确保该元素已经 appendChild 方法插入到 DOM 中*/

getHTML: function(D, A) {

var C = "";

var B = "id=" + this.id + "&width=" + D + "&height=" + A;

if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/)) {

var E = location.href.match(/^https/i) ? "https://" : "http://";

