寄存器特殊名称用途R15 PC 程序计数器 Program Counter
R14 LR 链接寄存器 Link Register
R13 SP 栈指针 Stack Pointer
R12 IP The Intra-Procedure-call scratch register
R11 变量寄存器8 Variable-register 8
R10 变量寄存器7 Variable-register 7
R9 v6 SB TR 平台寄存器,其功能是由平台定义的
R8 变量寄存器5 Variable-register 5
R7 变量寄存器4 Variable-register 4
R6 变量寄存器3 Variable-register 3
R5 变量寄存器2 Variable-register 2
R4 变量寄存器1 Variable-register 1
R3 参数寄存器4 Argument, scratch register 4
R2 参数寄存器3 Argument , scratch register 3
R1 参数、结果寄存器2 Argument, result, scratch register 2
R0 参数、结果寄存器1 Argument, result, scratch register 1
寄存器r12(IP)被链接器使用,在调用程序和子程序之间作为一个scratch register 。
r9寄存器功能是对应平台定义的,一个虚拟平台可以任意使用该寄存器,但要给出说明。比如,它可以作为一个静态基地址(static base, SB)在一个位置无关数据中; 或者也可以作为线程寄存器(thread register, TR)。
在所有的程序调用标准中,寄存器 r12-r15都有着特殊的角色,用IP、SP、IR、PC来表示。
The N, Z, C, V and Q bits (bits 27-31) and the GE[3:0] bits (bits 16-19) are undefined on entry to or return from a public interface. The Q and GE[3:0] bits may only be modified when executing on a processor where these features are present。
On ARM Architecture 6, the E bit (bit 8) can be used in applications executing in little-endian mode, or in bigendian-8 mode to temporarily change the endianness of data accesses to memory. An application must have a designated endianness and at entry to and return from any public interface the setting of the E bit must match the designated endianness of the application
The T bit (bit 5) and the J bit (bit 24) are the execution state bits. Only instructions designated for modifying these bits may change them
The A, I, F and M[4:0] bits (bits 0-7) are the privileged bits and may only be modified by applications designed to operate explicitly in a privileged mode.
All other bits are reserved and must not be modified. It is not defined whether the bits read as zero or one, or whether they are preserved across a public interface.
位作用N 负标志位,当运算结果为负时,该位被置1
Z 零标志位,当运算结果为零时,该位被置1
C 进位and借位标志,当运算结果为负时,该位被置1
V 溢出标志,有符号溢出时,该位被置1
Q 溢出饱和标志,在一些DSP指令中,该位指示是否发生溢出或者饱和
GE[3:0] 大于等于标志
E 装载、存储字节序
A disable data aborts when it is set
I disable IRQ when it is set
F disable FIQ when it is set
M[4:0] 处理器运行模式
AAPCS 应用于单线程执行,程序状态保存在机器寄存器及该程序可访问的内存里面。一个进程可访问的内存是可以在执行中变化的。
Code 代码段,只读,存放指令代码
Read-only static data, 只读的静态数据区
Writable static data, 可写的静态数据区
the heap, 堆
the stack, 栈