
# When diskless replication is enabled, it is possible to configure the delay
# the server waits in order to spawn the child that trnasfers the RDB via socket
# to the slaves.
# This is important since once the transfer starts, it is not possible to serve
# new slaves arriving, that will be queued for the next RDB transfer, so the server
# waits a delay in order to let more slaves arrive.
# The delay is specified in seconds, and by default is 5 seconds. To disable
# it entirely just set it to 0 seconds and the transfer will start ASAP.
# 当开启了无磁盘同步备份, 它可以配置这个延时备份的时间。
# 主redis等待一定的时间后创建子进程通过socket和多个从redis进行同步备份。
# 这个很重要, 因为一旦传输开始了,它不可能中途将新的从redis加入到这个同步传输中
# 只能够等待新的一次RDB传输, 因为主redis等待一定的时间是为了尽可能多的等待从redis连接上来。
# 这个延时是使用秒为单位, 默认值是5秒钟.
# 如果要禁用这个延时的特性,将其设为0即可,那么这个同步会马上开始.

repl-diskless-sync-delay 5

# Slaves send PINGs to server in a predefined interval. It's possible to change
# this interval with the repl_ping_slave_period option. The default value is 10
# seconds.
# slave根据指定的时间间隔向master发送ping请求。
# 时间间隔可以通过 repl_ping_slave_period 来设置。
# 默认10秒。

# repl-ping-slave-period 10

# The following option sets the replication timeout for:
# 1) Bulk transfer I/O during SYNC, from the point of view of slave.
# 2) Master timeout from the point of view of slaves (data, pings).
# 3) Slave timeout from the point of view of masters (REPLCONF ACK pings).
# It is important to make sure that this value is greater than the value
# specified for repl-ping-slave-period otherwise a timeout will be detected
# every time there is low traffic between the master and the slave.
# 以下选项设置同步的超时时间
# 1)slave在与master SYNC期间有大量数据传输,造成超时
# 2)在slave角度,master超时,包括数据、ping等
# 3)在master角度,slave超时,当master发送REPLCONF ACK pings
# 确保这个值大于指定的repl-ping-slave-period,否则在主从间流量不高时每次都会检测到超时
# repl-timeout 60

# Disable TCP_NODELAY on the slave socket after SYNC?
# If you select "yes" Redis will use a smaller number of TCP packets and
# less bandwidth to send data to slaves. But this can add a delay for
# the data to appear on the slave side, up to 40 milliseconds with
# Linux kernels using a default configuration.
# If you select "no" the delay for data to appear on the slave side will
# be reduced but more bandwidth will be used for replication.
# By default we optimize for low latency, but in very high traffic conditions
# or when the master and slaves are many hops away, turning this to "yes" may
# be a good idea.

# 是否在slave套接字发送SYNC之后禁用 TCP_NODELAY ?
# 如果你选择“yes”Redis将使用更少的TCP包和带宽来向slaves发送数据。但是这将使数据传输到slave
# 上有延迟,Linux内核的默认配置会达到40毫秒
# 如果你选择了 "no" 数据传输到salve的延迟将会减少但要使用更多的带宽
# 默认我们会为低延迟做优化,但高流量情况或主从之间的跳数过多时,把这个选项设置为“yes”
# 是个不错的选择。

repl-disable-tcp-nodelay no

