php正则中有一个回调函数,本函数的行为险些和 preg_replace() 一样,除了不是提供一个 replacement 参数,而是指定一个 callback 函数。该函数将以方针字符串中的匹配数组作为输入参数,并返回用于替换的字符串。
也就是说mixed preg_replace_callback ( mixed pattern, callback callback, mixed subject [, int limit] )中
<?php function preg_callback_func($matches){ return "<a href='".urlencode($matches[0])."'>{$matches[0]}</a>"; } $keyword="php函数|php收罗|正则表达式|php源码"; $text="If you're using preg_replace() on huge strings you have to be aware php函数of PREG's limitations. In fact, after each preg_xxx() function you should check if PREG internally failed (and by\"failure\" I don't meanphp收罗 regexp syntax errors).On default PHP installations you will run into 我们problems when using preg_xxx() functionsphp源码 on strings with a length of more than 100'000 characters. To workaround rare occasions you can use this:"; echo preg_replace_callback("/$keyword/","preg_callback_func",$text); ?>以上输出功效是 $keyword 中词语都被加上链接
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