谈谈你对Zend SAPIs(Zend SAPI Internals)的理解(2)

8. sapi_cgibin_getenv, 为Zend提供了一个根据name来查找环境变量的接口,对于mod_php5来说,当我们在脚本中调用getenv的时候,就会间接的调用这个句柄。而对于CGI来说,因为他的运行机制和CLI很类似,直接调用父级是Shell, 所以,只是简单的调用了系统提供的genenv:

static char *sapi_cgibin_getenv(char *name, size_t name_len TSRMLS_DC) { #if PHP_FASTCGI /* when php is started by mod_fastcgi, no regular environment is provided to PHP. It is always sent to PHP at the start of a request. So we have to do our own lookup to get env vars. This could probably be faster somehow. */ if (fcgi_is_fastcgi()) { fcgi_request *request = (fcgi_request*) SG(server_context); return fcgi_getenv(request, name, name_len); } #endif /* if cgi, or fastcgi and not found in fcgi env check the regular environment */ return getenv(name); }

9. php_error, 错误处理函数, 到这里,说几句题外话,上次看到php maillist 提到的使得PHP的错误处理机制完全OO化, 也就是,改写这个函数句柄,使得每当有错误发生的时候,都throw一个异常。而CGI只是简单的调用了PHP提供的错误处理函数。

10. 这个函数会在我们调用PHP的header()函数的时候被调用,对于CGI来说,不提供。

11. sapi_cgi_send_headers, 这个函数会在要真正发送header的时候被调用,一般来说,就是当有任何的输出要发送之前:

static int sapi_cgi_send_headers(sapi_headers_struct *sapi_headers TSRMLS_DC) { char buf[SAPI_CGI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH]; sapi_header_struct *h; zend_llist_position pos; if (SG(request_info).no_headers == 1) { return SAPI_HEADER_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY; } if (cgi_nph || SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code != 200) { int len; if (rfc2616_headers && SG(sapi_headers).http_status_line) { len = snprintf(buf, SAPI_CGI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH, "%s\r\n", SG(sapi_headers).http_status_line); if (len > SAPI_CGI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH) { len = SAPI_CGI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH; } } else { len = sprintf(buf, "Status: %d\r\n", SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code); } PHPWRITE_H(buf, len); } h = (sapi_header_struct*)zend_llist_get_first_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); while (h) { /* prevent CRLFCRLF */ if (h->header_len) { PHPWRITE_H(h->header, h->header_len); PHPWRITE_H("\r\n", 2); } h = (sapi_header_struct*)zend_llist_get_next_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); } PHPWRITE_H("\r\n", 2); return SAPI_HEADER_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY; }

12. NULL, 这个用来单独发送每一个header, CGI没有提供

13. sapi_cgi_read_post, 这个句柄指明了如何获取POST的数据,如果做过CGI编程的话,我们就知道CGI是从stdin中读取POST DATA的,

static int sapi_cgi_read_post(char *buffer, uint count_bytes TSRMLS_DC) { uint read_bytes=0, tmp_read_bytes; #if PHP_FASTCGI char *pos = buffer; #endif count_bytes = MIN(count_bytes, (uint) SG(request_info).content_length - SG(read_post_bytes)); while (read_bytes < count_bytes) { #if PHP_FASTCGI if (fcgi_is_fastcgi()) { fcgi_request *request = (fcgi_request*) SG(server_context); tmp_read_bytes = fcgi_read(request, pos, count_bytes - read_bytes); pos += tmp_read_bytes; } else { tmp_read_bytes = read(0, buffer + read_bytes, count_bytes - read_bytes); } #else tmp_read_bytes = read(0, buffer + read_bytes, count_bytes - read_bytes); #endif if (tmp_read_bytes <= 0) { break; } read_bytes += tmp_read_bytes; } return read_bytes; }

14. sapi_cgi_read_cookies, 这个和上面的函数一样,只不过是去获取cookie值:

static char *sapi_cgi_read_cookies(TSRMLS_D) { return sapi_cgibin_getenv((char *) "HTTP_COOKIE", sizeof("HTTP_COOKIE")-1 TSRMLS_CC); }

15. sapi_cgi_register_variables, 这个函数给了一个接口,用以给$_SERVER变量中添加变量,对于CGI来说,注册了一个PHP_SELF,这样我们就可以在脚本中访问$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']来获取


static void sapi_cgi_register_variables(zval *track_vars_array TSRMLS_DC) { /* In CGI mode, we consider the environment to be a part of the server * variables */ php_import_environment_variables(track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC); /* Build the special-case PHP_SELF variable for the CGI version */ php_register_variable("PHP_SELF", (SG(request_info).request_uri ? SG(request_info).request_uri : ""), track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC); }

16. sapi_cgi_log_message ,用来输出错误信息,对于CGI来说,只是简单的输出到stderr:

static void sapi_cgi_log_message(char *message) { #if PHP_FASTCGI if (fcgi_is_fastcgi() && fcgi_logging) { fcgi_request *request; TSRMLS_FETCH(); request = (fcgi_request*) SG(server_context); if (request) { int len = strlen(message); char *buf = malloc(len+2); memcpy(buf, message, len); memcpy(buf + len, "\n", sizeof("\n")); fcgi_write(request, FCGI_STDERR, buf, len+1); free(buf); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message); } /* ignore return code */ } else #endif /* PHP_FASTCGI */ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message); }

经过分析,我们已经了解了一个SAPI是如何实现的了, 分析过CGI以后,我们也就可以想象mod_php, embed等SAPI的实现机制。 :)

