171015 20:33:10 Executing UNLOCK TABLES
171015 20:33:10 All tables unlocked
Starting slave SQL thread
171015 20:33:10 [00] Copying ib_buffer_pool to /data/backup/2017-10-15_20-33-07/ib_buffer_pool
171015 20:33:10 [00] ...done
171015 20:33:10 Backup created in directory '/data/backup/2017-10-15_20-33-07/'
MySQL binlog position: filename 'mysql-bin.000008', position '154'
MySQL slave binlog position:
171015 20:33:10 [00] Writing /data/backup/2017-10-15_20-33-07/backup-my.cnf
171015 20:33:10 [00] ...done
171015 20:33:10 [00] Writing /data/backup/2017-10-15_20-33-07/xtrabackup_info
171015 20:33:10 [00] ...done
xtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (233975907) to (233975916) was copied.
171015 20:33:10 completed OK!
[root@localhost backup]#
使用Percona XtraBackup进行MySQL从库的单表备份和恢复(2)